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FullEditsCore -----

FullEditsCore is a customizable Minecraft plugin that enhances combat, enchantments, and arena mecha

FullEditsCore – Documentation & Setup Guide
Welcome to the official documentation for FullEditsCore! This guide provides detailed instructions on installation, configuration, commands, permissions, and troubleshooting to help you effectively use the plugin.


Installation Guide
Step 1: Download FullEditsCore.jar and place it in your plugins folder.
Step 2: Ensure that dependencies (Vault and Multiverse-Core) are installed.
Step 3: Restart your server to generate configuration files.
Step 4: Configure the plugin in config.yml based on your preferences.
Step 5: Reload or restart your server to apply changes.


⚙️ Commands & Permissions
Below is a complete list of commands and their corresponding permissions.

/core help (View All Available Commands)
Command: /core help
Permission: group.admin
Description: Displays a full list of available commands and their usage.

CoreHitDelay (Custom Hit Delay System)
Command: /corehitdelay <value>
Permission: phyrixnetwork.command.setdelay
Description: Adjusts PvP hit delay for a balanced combat system.

ItemEnchanter (Custom Enchantment System)
Command: /ie <enchantment> <level>
Permission: group.admin
Description: Adds enchantments with hidden NBT for weapons, armor, and tools.

SetDamage (PvP Damage Modifier)
Command: /setdamage <percentage>
Permission: phyrixnetwork.command.setdelay
Description: Modifies PvP damage percentage for custom balancing.

SetTopPhyrix (Leaderboard System)
Command: /settopphyrix <player>
Permission: phyrixtopkills.settop
Description: Updates the leaderboard with the top killer’s name.

X1 (1v1 Arena System)
Command: /x1 desafiar <player> <arena> | /x1 aceitar
Permission: group.admin
Description: Allows players to challenge a player with unlimited arena.

P4Free (PvP Feature Unlock)
Command: /p4free <join|leave>
Permission: group.admin
Description: Grants players free access to special PvP perks.


Troubleshooting & FAQs
X1 Arenas Not Loading?
✔️ Ensure the arenas are set up correctly in arenas.yml.

P4Free Not Working?
✔️ Check if the feature is enabled in config.yml and if the player has the correct permission.

Hit Delay Not Changing?
✔️ Ensure you have phyrixnetwork.command.setdelay permission before using /corehitdelay.


️ Test Server
IP: play.phyrixnetwork.net
Version: 1.8x

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 23
First Release: Yesterday at 1:28 PM
Last Update: Yesterday at 1:28 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings