Commands and Permissions
- /ftop - Displays the top 5 faction ranks. (perm: ftopnet.ftop)
- /ftop <page-number> - Navigate ranking pages.
- /ftop <faction-name> - Get ranking info on a specific faction.
- /ftopreload - Reloads config. (perm: ftopnet.admin.reload)
- /ftopscan - Scans each faction’s chunks (either their /f home chunk or all chunks), then calculates values based on config.yml blocks, and updates the rankings/holograms/npcs. (perm: ftopnet.admin.scan)
Set allclaims to true to scan all chunks claimed by a faction instead of just their /f home chunk.
This is pretty self explanatory. The config.yml has the list of spawners/mobtypes you can enter, or if it's another block you can put it in the "OTHER" section.
For holograms you can list as many as you want, they can be 6 lines maximum (the first line will not be set by /ftopscan, since it's reserved for you to put a title on it).
For npcs you must create three, then pass in their ids into the config (the number, not their name).