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Force Resourcepacks -----

[1.8-1.21.4] Send resourcepacks globally/per server/world. Execute actions! Spigot, Bungee&Velocity

1.12.5 - Pack status fixes and more 1.20.4 compatibility
  • Unifies how pack statuses are forwarded in a proxy network. Now any combination of Spigot + BungeeCord/Velocity sending packs in both directions should also forward all statuses between the other plugin if FRP is installed on both.
    This means that actions are now executed on the Minecraft server as well as the proxy at all times! (Previously only some were executed based on the combination)
    Please test your setups if you use actions on both Spigot and the proxy to see if this impacts you!
    If you do run into issues then I suggest testing out the pack-actions added in the 1.12.0 update. With them you should be able to properly specify which pack should cause which action to run.
  • Fixed that the UUID wasn't properly read when running FRP on Bungee and a backend server sent a pack (via plugin or which would cause a packet reading error.
    Please note that running ViaVersion on the proxy might still break it. Move them to the Spigot server for best compatibility!
  • Fixed packs not being (easily) removable when sending them from Velocity due to missing UUID in resource pack packet.
  • Fixed new statuses causing errors on Velocity and generally unified how pack statuses were parsed from packets/platform-dependent API methods to avoid such error s in the future
  • Fixed that running the plugin on an outdated Velocity would print a non-descriptive error. It now prints a proper error message indicating that at least Velocity 3.3.0 is required.
    I thought about including a large ASCII sign in the log message but decided against that. But if anyone needs one, here it is (licensed under CC0)
----------, Jan 2, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,951
First Release: Aug 6, 2015
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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