Force Resourcepacks icon

Force Resourcepacks -----

[1.8-1.21.4] Send resourcepacks globally/per server/world. Execute actions! Spigot, Bungee&Velocity

1.8.14 - Add Minecraft version to pack config
  • Packs now support a version property where the Minecraft version a pack is for can be specified directly rather than just using the pack format version. (If both are specified the highest one in terms of corresponding protocol version will be used)
  • version can be set to either the Minecraft version name (like 1.15.1) or the specific protocol version number directly.
  • Similarly to the pack format the plugin will select the next lowest version below the client version so if you want to specify different packs for different versions you need to add the one with the highest as the main pack and the rest in a descending order to the secondary list of the assignment.
  • The version also shows in the messages (if you update your language file with the %version% placeholder) and is able to be set via /frp pack <name> version
----------, Feb 12, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,951
First Release: Aug 6, 2015
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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