(You might need to update/regenerate your language file! Either delete the existing one and let the plugin recreate it on startup/reload or if you want to manually add them take a look at the default language file)
Added /resetpack command to reset the pack that a player has applied or stored to none.
Added permissions to bypass certain actions for different statuses or assignments. Possible Permissions: forceresourcepacks.bypass.<action> forceresourcepacks.bypass.<status>.<action> forceresourcepacks.bypass.<assignment>.<action> forceresourcepacks.bypass.<assignment>.<status>.<action> Actions and statuses are the same as in the config and should be lowercase in the permissions.
Added config options to disable the metrics and update-checker independently. All metrics were already disabled when either bStats or PluginMetrics were disabled but this allows it to be configured on a per-plugin basis.
Update default hash of empty pack due to changed pack content (added an empty assets folder as that might be necessary in some cases) It should auto update on plugin startup, otherwise copy it from the default config if you use my empty pack url!