FlagsH icon

FlagsH -----

Minecraft plugins to display banners as flags.

[discord-invite]: https://discord.gg/RPNbtRSFqG

Minecraft plugins to display banners as flags.


this plugin tries to be as intuitive as possible. No command is needed to create, extend and remove a flag.

- Place a banner item on a block to get a banner.
- Place a banner item on a block while sneaking to get a flag.
- Extends flag or banner by placing new banner item onto the flag or banner.
- Break flag or banner by hitting it.


FlagsH work with Spigot, Paper, Folia (and should work with any fork).

FlagsH is compatible with [Towny]( https://github.com/TownyAdvanced/Towny) claim permission.

Admin commands

- `/flagsh` or `fh` Print the version.
- `/fh reload` Reload config & flags data file.
- `/fh list` Print the list of all flags.
- `/fh remove <id>|all` Remove a flag on the list based on its possition or all flags.


1. Download last version.
2. Place it in `plugins/` in your server files.
3. Restart your server

Supported Minecraft version are listed in each release.

If you are using an older Minecraft version than 1.20.5, you will need to have Java 21 on your server.


After 1st launch you can edit config in `plugins/FlagH/config.yml`
`maxFlagSize` is the max size of a flag. Default size is 1. A size of 2 means that the flag is 2 times larger and 2 times longer. If a player try to increase flag size over the limit then flag won't be extended, banner item will drop to the ground and angry NPC sound will be played.
Each new banner added extend the flag of `increasingSizeStep`.
`flagEnable` & `bannerEnable` enable or disable flag or banner.
`forbidenInteractGamemodes` is a list of gamemode in witch player can't interact with flags and banners. Usualy you only want player in adventure not being able to edit flag, but you might also want to prevent any player in survival to place or destroy banner.

[​IMG] https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/FlagsH/19981

See Github page for more information
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 587
First Release: Dec 11, 2023
Last Update: Dec 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings