Fish's Custom Enchantments
- Vanilla like custom enchantment books that are dropped by mobs
- To view what an enchantment does or how to obtain it use the command /enchantinfo
- Add FishsCustomEnchantments jar into your plugins folder
- Restart your server
- /fce help - Shows the help menu
- /fce reload - Reloads the plugin (fce.admin.reload)
- /enchantinfo - Gives information about an enchantment (fce.user.enchantinfo)
- /fenchant [level] - Applies an enchantment to the item in your hand (fce.admin.fenchant)
- /disenchant - Removes an enchantment from the item in your hand and returns the enchantment book (fce.user.disenchant)
- /enchantedbook [level] - Get an enchanted book with the specified enchantment (fce.admin.enchantedbook)
- /combineenchantments - Combines the item in your main hand with the item in the slot to the right of it. Allows geyser players to combine custom enchantments (fce.user.combineenchantments)
- Aqua Aspect (Weapons) - Deal extra damage to enderman, blaze etc. Extinguishes attacked entities. Rare drop from drowned.
- Block Reach (Chestplate) - Increases the distance at which you can interact with blocks. Rare drop from enderman.
- Enlightenment (Tools and Weapons) - Increased Xp drops from blocks and mobs. Rare drop from warden.
- Excavating (Tools) - Mine blocks in a 3x3 grid. Rare drop from charged creeper.
- Fling (Weapons) - Sends attacked entities upwards. Rare drop from creeper.
- Invisibility (Armor) - Wearer receives invisibility. Rare drop from witch.
- Precision (Bow and Crossbow) - Fired projectiles have 100% accuracy. Rare drop from skeleton.
- Radiance (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive glowing. Rare drop from magma cube.
- Range (Bow and Crossbow) - Fired projectiles have a higher velocity. Rare drop from skeleton.
- Reflection (Shield) - Reflect arrows at a higher velocity. Rare drop from breeze.
- Replanting (Hoe) - Replants anything harvested automatically. Rare drop from pillager.
- Smelting (Tools) - Dropped items will be smelted if possible. Rare drop from blaze.
- Spurs (Boots) - Mounted mobs receive speed and jump boost. Rare drop from pillager.
- Telekinesis (Tools and Weapons) - Dropped items are added to your inventory. Rare drop from enderman.
- Tilling (Hoe) - Hoe farmland 3x3. Rare drop from pillager.
- Tree Feller (Axe) - Breaks the entire trunk of the tree. Rare drop from pillager.
- Unbreakable (All) - Item will not lose durability. Rare drop from wither.
- Volley (Bow and Crossbow) - Fire multiple arrows at once. Rare drop from skeleton.
- Curse of Aquaphobia (Armor) - Wearer takes damage from water and rain. Rare drop from enderman.
- Curse of Iron Grip (Tools and Weapons) - Prevents the holder from dropping the item. Rare drop from witch.
- Curse of Levitating (Armor) - Wearer levitates uncontrollably. Rare drop from shulkers.
- Curse of Mining Fatigue (Armor) - Wearer has decreased mining speed. Rare drop from elder guardian.
- Curse of Radiance (Armor) - Wearer will begin to glow. Rare drop from magma cube.
- Curse of Slowness (Armor) - Wearer has decreased movement speed. Rare drop from warden.
- Curse of Weakness (Armor) - Wearer has decreased melee damage. Rare drop from cave spider.
Exclusive Weapon (Only one of these enchantments may be applied at the same time)
- Blood Tipped (Bow and Crossbow) - Take slight damage when firing, applies your potion effects to the arrow. Rare drop from piglin.
- Crippling (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive slowness. Rare drop from skeleton.
- Debilitating (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive weakness. Rare drop from witch.
- Destructive (Bow and Crossbow) - Projectiles destroy blocks. Rare drop from creeper.
- Disorienting (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive nausea. Rare drop from spider.
- Fireblast (Bow and Crossbow) - Launched projectiles are transformed into a blaze fire ball. Rare drop from blaze.
- Glass (Weapons) - Increased damage, decreased durability. Rare drop from skeleton.
- Harpoon (Bow and Crossbow) - Launched projectiles are transformed into tridents. Rare drop from drowned.
- Levitating (Bow and Crossbow) - Launched projectiles are transformed into a shulker bullet. Rare drop from shulker.
- Life Steal (Weapons) - A portion of the damage you deal is added to your health. Rare drop from wither.
- Obscure (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive blindness. Rare drop from warden.
- Salmon Slinger (Bow and Crossbow) - Launched projectiles are transformed into salmon. This enchantment is not dropped by any mob.
- Seeking (Bow and Crossbow) - Arrows are attracted to the nearest entity. Rare drop from Stray.
- Starving (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive hunger. Rare drop from husk.
- Teleport (Bow and Crossbow) - Teleport to the location your projectile hits. Rare drop from enderman.
- Venom (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive poison. Rare drop from cave spider.
- Withering (Weapons) - Attacked entities receive wither. Rare drop from the wither.
Exclusive Helmet (Only one of these enchantments may be applied at the same time)
- Conduit Power - See underwater, breathe underwater, mine faster underwater. Drop from elder guardian.
- Gills - Wearer can breath underwater. Rare drop from drowned.
- Night Vision - Wearer has improved vision in the dark. Rare drop from spider.
- Sustenance - Hunger bar replenishes over time. Rare drop from zombie.
- Worm - Prevents suffocation damage. Rare drop from silverfish.
Exclusive Chestplate (Only one of these enchantments may be applied at the same time)
- Big - Increases the size of the wearer by 50% per level. Rare drop from ravager.
- Death Wish - Wearer takes increased damage and deals increased damage. Rare drop from wither skeleton.
- Dragon Scales - Wearer has increased damage resistance. Rare drop from ender dragon.
- Fire Resistance - Wearer is immune to fire damage. Rare drop from blaze.
- Flaming - Attackers will be lit on fire. Rare drop from blaze.
- Haste - Wearer has increased mining speed. Rare drop from piglin.
- Healing - Wearer has faster health regeneration. Rare drop from zombified piglin.
- Hero of the Village - Wearer receives reduced villager prices. Rare drop from pillager.
- Increased Health - Wearer has increased max health. Rare drop from ender dragon.
- Projectile Resistance - Wearer is immune to projectile damage. Rare drop from wither.
- Small - Decreases the size of the wearer. Rare drop from silverfish.
- Strength - Wearer has increased melee damage. Rare drop from zombified piglin.
Exclusive Elytra (Only one of these enchantments may be applied at the same time)
- Boosters - A small amount of constant thrust is added to the elytra. Rare drop from creeper.
- Momentum - Wearer will gain speed faster when gliding. Rare drop from ender dragon.
Exclusive Leggings (Only one of these enchantments may be applied at the same time)
- Dolphins Grace - Wearer can move quickly in water. Rare drop from guardian.
- Heavy - Wearer receives no knockback. Rare drop from warden.
- Longlegs - Wearer has increased step height. Rare drop from enderman.
- Swiftness - Wearer has increased movement speed. Rare drop from witch.
Exclusive Boots (Only one of these enchantments may be applied at the same time)
- Anchor - Wearer sinks in water and has increased traction in water. Rare drop from drowned.
- Anti-Gravity - Decreases gravity of the wearer. Rare drop from shulker.
- Bounce - Wearer bounces instead of taking fall damage. Rare drop from slime.
- Crush - Falling on an entity will damage it. Rare drop from ravagers.
- Leaping - Wearer has increased jump height. Rare drop from slime.
- Slow Falling - Wearer falls gracefully like a feather. Rare drop from ghast.