Filtering Hoppers | Now supports Folia! icon

Filtering Hoppers | Now supports Folia! -----

Free and open source alternative to other hopper filtering plugins. Filter your items now!

Filtering Hoppers 1.0.7

Hey everyone! Another update, fresh from the oven!

+ Fixed filters sometimes not properly saving due to using a poor way to get the hopper you're viewing
+ Fixed the entire chunk hopper feature, which was broken from head to toe
+ Fixed duplication glitch (no further details to avoid it from being exploited in older versions of the plugin)
+ Fixed hopper getting fully stuck if the first item in the chest it's taking from isn't in the filter

----------, Jul 19, 2024

Filtering Hoppers 1.0.6 Changelog

Hello everyone, here comes another update! Enjoy!

+ Auto Updater! No longer have to download each update manually anymore!
+ Fixed filters not working if there was more than one item in the filter.
----------, Jul 18, 2024

Hey, been a while right? Not anymore. Here comes support for newer versions of Minecraft and Spigot!

+ 1.20.5+ compatibility! Here is what got fixed:
- The menu buttons now work again and people can't steal items from it anymore

----------, Jun 29, 2024

Hello everyone! It's been a while hasn't it? Tonight I bring you some great news for Filtering Hoppers?

First, turns out FH 1.0.3 was never even broken, I was given falsified feedback from someone (not on purpose, another plugin which has yet to be identified was interfering)
Second, a lot of new stuff has came to your tables!

Filtering Hoppers gets support for Folia!

+ Added a toggle for chunk collection in the plugin's config!
+ You no longer lose an item when adding it to a filter! Simply click on it to add it! To remove it, do the same but inside the filter!
+ You can't put two of the same item in the filter anymore!
+ As said above, Folia support!
+ And some fixes in the code to make the plugin slightly lighter
----------, Mar 29, 2024

Filtering Hoppers 1.0.3

+ Items dropped by blocks now get picked up by hoppers
+ Items dropped by mobs now get picked up by hoppers
+ If you added a custom lore to a hopper, breaking it will no longer make it disappear

- You can no longer take the black stained glass panes from the filter menu (Bug appeared in 1.0.2)
- Fixed console spam when you opened the filter menu while looking at the hopper but when you unsneaked you didn't look at it anymore
If this happens, your filter wont be saved and your items won't be returned.
----------, Jul 31, 2023

Filtering Hoppers 1.0.2

Yeehaw! Some new stuff!

+ Added a hoppers-per-chunk limit! Default is 5.
+ Added version checking, you'll now be informed whenever a new version is available.
+ Added following permissions:
filteringhoppers.reload - Allows the user to reload the configuration
filteringhoppers.set-max-hopper - Allows the user to set the maximum of hoppers allowed per chunk
+ Added an alias to the /filteringhoppers command: /fh

I am also proud to say this is the first, of all my plugins, which has a version free of any warnings when I built it.
This means my coding software hasn't detected anything unusual or any mistakes. I am proud of myself for that!

Enjoy this update!
----------, Jul 30, 2023

This update adds a feature a lot of people I think would love.
Hoppers can now pick up items in a whole chunk!
Whenever an item is dropped inside a chunk where a hopper is placed, it'll be picked up! (Filters still apply)

This is really the only feature this update adds, but I'm proud of it.
----------, Jul 29, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 908
First Release: Jul 29, 2023
Last Update: Jul 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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