File GUI icon

File GUI -----

Modify Your Server & Plugin Configurations With Ease

Updated the verification of the Cloud feature, update to maintain access to it.
----------, Jul 4, 2024

Plugins already supports 1.21, fixed an obufscation mapping issue with Paper forks.
----------, Jun 20, 2024

Maintained the plugin's internals and specifically the cloud feature.
----------, Apr 17, 2024

Plugin maintenance.
----------, Mar 3, 2024

Maintenance & incremental changes.
----------, Oct 31, 2023

Added support for Minecraft 1.20
----------, Jun 7, 2023

Improved the compatibility of the Folia fork.
----------, May 27, 2023

Update a SQL statement meant to update data in the database.
----------, Apr 4, 2023

Added support for Folia.
----------, Apr 2, 2023

Adjusted the plugin.yml configuration for better handling from other compatible plugins.
----------, Feb 20, 2023

Updated the Discord Webhooks feature to work with different domains.
----------, Feb 7, 2023

The Cloud feature will no longer impact the “server_name” option in settings.yml.
----------, Jan 12, 2023

Plugin maintenance
----------, Jan 6, 2023

Limited an inventory menu loop when a result is found.
----------, Jan 4, 2023

Plugin maintenance
----------, Dec 13, 2022

  1. Enabled the already implemented auto updater feature for users of my website.
  2. Improved the tab completion by detecting what to recommend based on the command’s arguments.
----------, Oct 31, 2022

  1. The plugin will now identify its original platform when using a token.
  2. Extended the Cloud feature with more useful methods.
  3. Corrected an incorrect software guarantee message.
  4. Improved how the plugin shows URLs.
  5. Some product information will now be synchronized with the Cloud.
  6. The String utilities methods will now return more fail-safe results.
  7. Implemented a new settings.yml option named “show_ecosystem”.
  8. The Cross Server Information feature will now work better.
----------, Oct 19, 2022

  1. The synchronization algorithm will now understand the type of variable it is dealing with.
  2. The synchronization algorithm will now be faster & account for when the server is unavailable.
----------, Sep 21, 2022

Made some adjustments to the synchronisation algorithm to better fit more configurations.
----------, Sep 18, 2022

Limited the redundancy of the Cloud feature's error logger.
----------, Sep 15, 2022

  1. A new sql.yml option has been introduced to allow the replacing of special characters.
  2. Implemented new Base64 methods in the String utilities.
  3. Implemented the ability to debug changes & actions.
  4. Optimized the plugin’s configurations with faster & more consistent codes.
----------, Sep 15, 2022

Adjusted the duration of the verification connection to avoid server load.
----------, Sep 9, 2022

Made some additional improvements to the Customer Support feature.
----------, Sep 8, 2022

  1. Corrected the default table name in sql.yml.
  2. Implemented a new command to receive customer support.
  3. Files & Folders will now be sorted alphabetically to improve functionality.
  4. Improved the String utilities with new useful methods for the SQL & Cloud functionalities.
  5. Improved the SQL feature with more fail-safe methods.
  6. Corrected some incorrect connections to the Cloud feature.
  7. Implemented a new permissions named
  8. Implemented a 2 new messages.yml options for the search feature.
----------, Sep 7, 2022

General code corrections.
----------, Aug 28, 2022

Corrected some incorrect SQL database keys.
----------, Aug 11, 2022

Corrected some incorrect SQL database keys.
----------, Aug 11, 2022

Adjusted the Cloud feature and description of the inventory menu items.
----------, Jul 28, 2022

Updated the functionality of the Cloud feature.
----------, Jul 4, 2022

Implemented support for java 8 for as long as it remains possible. Please update your servers, this is nothing but a temporary solution that only some of my plugins will receive.
----------, Jun 28, 2022

Adjusted the descriptions of the inventory menus
----------, Jun 26, 2022

Implemented some additional menu performance improvements
----------, Jun 15, 2022

Updated the name, commands & permissions of the plugin to better suit its purpose.
----------, Jun 8, 2022

Added support 1.19 Minecraft servers.
----------, Jun 8, 2022

  1. Implemented create-option & copy-file features when modifying a supported file.
  2. Implemented 2 new messages.yml options and modified an existing one to be more universal.
  3. Modified the SQL structure to the following (action -> user_action), (path -> file_path), (key -> option_key), (value ->option-value) to avoid inconsistencies.
----------, May 31, 2022

Chat messages will now be translated to objects before sent to the configuration.
----------, May 4, 2022

Implemented support for SQL to allow the synchronisation process.
----------, May 2, 2022

Corrected an issue where API methods wouldn't be accessible.
----------, Apr 29, 2022

  • More great updates of this plugin to be released in the future!
  1. Removed the “awareness_notifications” option via settings.yml.
  2. Updated the plugin.yml with more accurate information.
  3. Removed the Error utilities and included their functionality in the Awareness Notifications feature.
  4. Noticeably improved the String utilities with recent & new methods.
  5. Implemented a shorter version of the reload command.
  6. Revamped the plugin’s purpose to a file explorer.
----------, Apr 28, 2022

  1. Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (suppress_handled_errors)
  2. Console command results will no longer be limited.
----------, Jan 5, 2022

Updated the Piracy system to verify more information.
----------, Dec 11, 2021

  1. Implemented native compatibility for all my premium resources.
  2. Updated the contents of the plugin.yml file.
----------, Dec 7, 2021

Corrected a bug in the Piracy protection.
----------, Dec 1, 2021

  1. Updated the plugin.yml file with new information.
  2. Slightly improved the Piracy protection with more universal variables.
  3. Slightly improved the Cloud feature with better messages.
  4. Implemented support for 1.18 servers.
----------, Dec 1, 2021

Greatly improved the command execution handlers with limits and useful messages.
----------, Nov 5, 2021

Noticeably improved the compatibility with the Spartan AntiCheat.
----------, Oct 22, 2021

  1. Implemented 2 new settings.yml options to control whether you want to send/receive file changes.
  2. Adjusted the default time for command execution, folder calculation & file refresh.
----------, Oct 3, 2021

Noticeably improved the SQL feature with more capabilities.
----------, Sep 28, 2021

  1. Greatly improved the Math utilities with more optimised methods.
  2. User & File IDs will now be hidden from public & semi-public parts of the plugin.
----------, Jun 22, 2021

  1. Updated some important Cloud processing handlers.
  2. Implemented 3 new settings.yml configuration option. (awareness_notifications, skip_files, skip_folders)
  3. Implemented a feature that gives the ability to skip folders & files per server.
----------, Jun 6, 2021

Updated the plugin’s commands with more correct documentation.
Potentially corrected a non-existent file handled console error.
Noticeably improved the File Cache handler with more accurate SQL queries.
Implemented the ability to synchronise temporary & permanent commands.
Corrected a bug where command tab completion would be inaccurate.
Implemented 4 new messages.yml configuration options.
Updated the plugin’s plugin.yml file with a more universal description.
Corrected a minor bug in the File Cache handler where command execution would never occur.
Noticeably optimised the File Cache handler with less method & memory calls.
Implemented a new synchronization command. (autosync add-command)

Messages.yml Changes:
Code (Text):

----------, May 27, 2021

  1. Updated the plugin.yml file with more universal information.
  2. Slightly improved the Piracy system to be in par with some changes.
  3. Slightly improved the Math utilities with new useful methods.
  4. Noticeably improved many codes thanks to the improvements made in the Math utilities.
  5. Made some improvements to the Register handler of the plugin to prevent potential console errors.
  6. Updated the IP Limitations handler with more universal messages.
  7. Noticeably improved the SQL feature with implementation for drivers.
----------, May 18, 2021

  1. Noticeably improved the Register handler with new useful methods.
  2. Slightly improved the Piracy system with more universal methods.
  3. Implemented a small necessary connection to the Cloud.
  4. Noticeably improved the NPC compatibility with new useful methods.
  5. Noticeably improved the Error utilities with new useful methods.
  6. Noticeably improved the Math utilities with faster methods.
----------, May 3, 2021

Using the combo %% will now be replaced with space characters to allow a broader file/folder path support.
----------, Apr 30, 2021

Corrected an issue where the clickable messages would be sent as messages and not commands.
----------, Apr 26, 2021

Improved the synchronisation system with more error handling, error corrections, & overall faster processing.
----------, Apr 26, 2021

Corrected a console error caused by the Clickable Message feature.
----------, Apr 21, 2021

AutoSync’s list command will now send clickable messages when possibly with the ability to remove a file/folder from being synchronised.
----------, Apr 21, 2021

Before a file is updated, both the last-modified time & file contents will now be checked, instead of only the last-modified time previously.
----------, Apr 12, 2021

Corrected an SQL error caused by the feature trying to initiate itself when not properly configured.
----------, Apr 2, 2021

The recent folder synchronisation feature has been moved off the main thread to prevent unnecessary lag.
----------, Mar 18, 2021

  1. Corrected many inconsistencies in the SQL feature to prevent confusions.
  2. Corrected a few bugs in the Piracy system and removed unused methods.
  3. Noticeably improved the Math utilities with faster methods.
  4. Corrected some outdated Debug messages with more universal ones.
  5. Implemented the ability to automatically synchronise folders.
  6. Slightly optimised the commands with removal of unnecessary methods.
  7. Noticeably improved the commands with better categorisation & messages.
  8. Implemented a new settings.yml option named “folder_calculate_minutes”.
  9. Corrected a few small bugs in the configuration reload feature.
  10. Implemented 5 new messages.yml configuration options.
  11. Implemented 3 new Developer API methods.

Messages.yml Changes:
Code (Text):

API Changes:
Code (Text):

Boolean addFolder(File file, String command)
Boolean addFolder(File file)
Boolean removeFolder(File file)
----------, Mar 1, 2021

  1. Slightly improved the SQL handlers with more universal messages.
  2. Slightly improved the compatibility with the Spartan AntiCheat.
  3. Removed the confusing and unnecessary op_bypass settings.yml option.
----------, Jan 16, 2021

Made improvements to the Spartan AntiCheat plugin compatibility to prevent unnecessary console messages, which will take effect after its next update.
----------, Jan 3, 2021

  1. Slightly improved the SQL feature with better console messages.
  2. Implemented tab completion for the plugin's commands.
  3. Slightly improved the Command execution handler with better descriptions.
----------, Nov 20, 2020

  1. Slightly optimised the IO utilities with faster methods.
  2. Slightly optimised the Permission system with faster methods.
  3. Corrected a plugin disable issue in the Piracy system caused by a file compilation error.
----------, Nov 9, 2020

Greatly optimised the plugin's configurations with less memory calls.
----------, Nov 3, 2020

  1. For customers synchronising files between servers with different timezones or those having constant synchronisation process, a new configuration option has been created to separate command execution from file synchronisation and delay it as much as you wish.
  1. Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (command_execution_minutes)
  2. Separated the process of file synchronisation and command execution.
  3. Organised the plugin's packages and classes.
----------, Aug 1, 2020

  1. Made the plugin load after worlds had loaded.
  2. Implemented asynchronous synchronisation.
  3. Split the synchronisation process to support commands.
  4. Slightly improved the file caching process.
  5. Implemented a new type of utilities to handle async tasks.
----------, Jul 5, 2020

Corrected a bug where files would be added multiple times before the plugin has had the time to properly cache the database.
----------, Jul 3, 2020

  1. Corrected a bug where the file last-modified property wouldn't be updated.
  2. Implemented additional exception handling with new debug messages.
----------, Jul 2, 2020

Implemented 1.16 compatibility.
----------, Jun 25, 2020

  • Implemented file-encoding in the SQL system.
  • Implemented file-decoding in the Synchronising system.
  • Potentially corrected several SQL character syntax errors.
  • Potentially corrected several directory synchronising console errors.
  • Implemented directory support when adding/removing files to be synchronised.
  • Corrected a command argument list console error.
----------, Jan 13, 2020

  • Drastically improved the SQL feature with new abilities.
  • Made the SQL feature auto-reconnect whenever connection is lost.
  • Implemented a new option to the sql.yml configuration. (use_SSL)
  • Updated the online documentation with the plugin's recent configuration.
  • Prepared the plugin.yml file for production use.
  • Enabled the Piracy protection.
----------, Jan 11, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 528
First Release: Jan 10, 2020
Last Update: Jul 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
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