fEssentials 〣 Moderní Essentials icon

fEssentials 〣 Moderní Essentials -----

CZ/SK Essentials

Version: 2023-05-25
I do not recommend this. The Plugin is horrobily coded and for some reason the Bukkit API is shaded in and this Plugin absolutely is way worse than Essentials or CMI. This Plugin also contains many Bugs like the Tabcompleter not even being registered in the Main.
Author's response
And what do you expect from the first version, but thank you for the criticism, I will try to improve it :)

Version: 2023-05-25
It's a literal copy paste with some really sloppy modifications slapped on top. Do not recommend.
Author's response
for fEssentials on the server you'll need LuckPerms,Vault,PlaceholderAPI,ProtocolLib also it's quite improved Essentials ;) just read it first

Version: 2023-05-25
Its copy and paste, you can see that this isn't your Plugin and on Top it has a lot of errors
Author's response
the plugin is mine, I worked on it together with Filipeex ;) so yes, the plugin is still in development, yes, it has a few bugs, but not so much

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 124
First Release: May 25, 2023
Last Update: Feb 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings