FastCraft - Craft Items In One Click! (1.7-1.21) icon

FastCraft - Craft Items In One Click! (1.7-1.21) -----

Redefines crafting in Minecraft

Version: v3.2.12
The Author responds quickly and takes time out of their day to bring us this resource. Works on 1.21 after an obscure error was dug up by the Author. Hours later Purpur pushed an updated jar and FastCraft was up again with zero errors! Thank you for the hard work!

Version: v3.2.12
FastCraftPlus works on Paper 1.20.1 but not with custom items. Hopefully it'll work on 1.20.2 when I update in a month or less.

Version: v3.2.10
Very nice plugin but can you support HeadDatabase for head material in gui ?

Version: v3.2.10
This plugin seems nice, unfortunately i have custom items from ecoitems that are not compatible.
and the roadmap shows ideas about compatibility since more than 2 year without anything new

Version: v3.2.10
Amazing plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: v3.2.10
wait! can I add my own recipes in this??? I want to add my custom recipes??? pls can you support recipes from advanced crafting plugin?
Author's response
If another plugin adds a normal recipe to Bukkit it should work! If it doesn't, lemme know and give me details in a GitHub issue or in this plugin's discussion :)

Version: v3.2.10
This plugin is amazing, I really want an itemsadder compatibility for make life easier to new players :D ❤️
Author's response
Thank you!! Could you create a GitHub issue or give me details in the discussion (like a recipe that's not working)? That'll help me with adding compatibility :)

Version: v3.2.9
This plugin is great the review below does not know what they are talking about since formatting is very easy and simple

Version: v3.2.9
Cant disable item to craft...
why dont you have the example of how can we disable item craft?

dont send me the wiki link.. it says actually nothing..
just annoying you should give us an example..

recipe-ids: []

how can we use that option?

Like this,

recipe-ids: 11,111,1111


- 123
- 1122
- 112233

both wont work btw..

Version: v3.2.8
Because of the plugin, the launcher crashes, and the plugin itself does not want to craft anything, although there are a lot of things in the inventory minecraft 1.15

Version: v3.2.6
Hey, how do I block item I don't want the member craft it ?
sr for my english
Author's response
Hi! In the config, you can add recipe IDs to "disable-recipes" to disable them. If you want to have more control over what recipes can be crafted, you should add another plugin that disables recipes the way you want :)

Version: v3.2.6
Can you add me on discord ? I have a duplication problem : Julien#0666
thx if u add me

Version: v3.2.6

It's not possible to modify the message of the gui and the langage..
So, it's not customisable..

Hope to see a futher update ?..

Author's response

Version: v3.2.5

Version: v3.2.0
Very great plugin but he left the config message..
It's essential for a server.. :/ !
Author's response

Version: v3.1.4
good!is't very good! good!is't very good! good!is't very good! good!is't very good!

Version: v3.1.1
Great plugin! Thanks to the author for your work!

Version: v3.0.2
very VERY slow loading in t he new updates and times server out. if that got fixed id give it 5
Author's response
I fixed performance issues in v3.0.3, so this should no longer be an issue in the latest update :)

Version: v3.0.1
You get 5 stars from me because you answered me super quickly :)

Keep up the cool plugin!

Version: v3.0.0
Permission fpr player?


Version: v3.0.0
Hello, I like this plug-in very much. I want more people to know about him. Can I reprint it to ?I will indicate its source.Thanks:)
Author's response
Hello! @tangtianzl already posted there :)

Version: v3.0.0-beta.5
Funciona perfectamente en la versión 1.15.0. Gracias!

Version: v3.0.0-beta.5
Good but it's more awesome if we can customize message
Author's response
I've actually been working on making messages configurable! Until I get that working, you can edit the lang files yourself in FastCraft.jar, in the lang folder.

Version: v3.0.0-beta.4
me gusta tu plugin espero que lo mejores para que sea compatible con customcrafting asi salen sus crafteos customs xd :)

Version: v3.0.0-beta.4
Es bastante bueno me encanta por que me facilita los crafteos aunque algunos no salen espero que vayan mejorandolo

Version: v3.0.0-beta.4
I look forward to updates. Yes, there are a lot of bugs in the plugin at the moment, but I think it will be fixed soon. Good luck in development!
Author's response
Thank you! Could you make a post in the discussion with any bugs you're having? I'm not aware of any at the moment.

Version: v3.0.0-beta.4
Hi, I don't know why, but it's not working properly.
only when pressing a crafting table does the menu appear but with very few options and no plugin command works

Version: v3.0.0-beta.4
./fc toggle no found, The rest of the add-on is cool, but that's the only mistake I have.
Author's response
Not a mistake. Commands will be added in a future release :)

Version: v3.0.0-beta.4
Hello! I am a server from China.
I use the translation software, so maybe the expression is not very good
There are handling posts for this plug-in in China, but they are not updated for a long time, so I want to apply for handling, OK?
Author's response
Hi! You can do that. Make sure to link to this website for downloads instead of re-uploading :)

Version: v3.0.0-beta.3
Me encanta este plugin siempre lo uso en casi todos mis servidores es bastante util y lo recomiendo para todos ewe

Version: v3.0.0-beta.2
So far it is working, will post if something goes wrong. I thought this plugin was not going to be updated anytime soon, but I was wrong.

Version: v3.0.0-beta.1
I think FastCraft is a unique plugin. I love this plugin and I wish it to be developed ...

Version: v3.0.0-beta
back in the days, it was must-have plugin. Didn't test it yet, but sure it was hard work to start pretty much everything from scratch. I'm glad to see it on 1.15.

Version: v2.0.3
This plugin is very cool but its stop updating for a while :(

Version: v2.0.3
Please up to date on 1.14.4, I need it! but the plugin is very good, thanks! ...

Version: v2.0.3
Help!! Why can't it be translated into Spanish? , try to put ES but it does not work and the folder `` lang '' is not created.

Version: v2.0.3
atualizasion ? o no va a ver para 1.13.2 bro es que llevo esperado casi 3 meses xd

Version: v2.0.3
Good but please fix
Players can get an anvil and Nether star from a GUI :(
80 chars

Version: v2.0.3
I loved the plugin ever since I first found and implemented it on my server. But with us transitioning to 1.13.2 the time has come to sadly say goodbye to this resource. We're still hoping you will finish this project and add 1.13.2 support, but after months of no updates, we decided to say sayonara. Still: If your server is in 1.12.2 and below, this is THE crafting enhancing resource :P

Version: v2.0.3
Good plugin i can customize lang.yml for my language and easier for players thx Developer <3

Version: v2.0.3
language.yml pls
Author's response
In the config, if you change "language" to one that doesn't exist (such as "custom"), a language file will be made in the FastCraft/lang/*.yml. You'll be able to edit that however you'd like. :)

Version: v2.0.3
Cool plugin! Respect to the developer! Thank you for the plugin and for the ready translation into russian)

Version: v2.0.3
Very good plugin. Cant bealive its free!
5 stars :D

Version: v2.0.3
Very good! I like that .

Version: v2.0.3
Dear Dev,
I wanna ask u about FastCraft v3. Is there any downloadable version up to date. I was looking for a "Trash" function, i hope you get what im talking about. Feel free to send me a Private Message :)

Rating: Well done, no Bugs found atm. We are using it for our Survival Server! thx and ill be happy to see future support (1.12+).
Author's response
Hi! FastCraft v3 still has some way to go before it'll be released. I'm taking extra care to make sure it can support any past/future versions of Bukkit, since v2 most likely won't work on Minecraft 1.13. I'm not sure that I'll add a trash feature, since my goal is to make FastCraft functionally equal to a normal crafting table, but feel free to create a GitHub issue. :)

Version: v2.0.3
Me encanta la aplicacion y gracias por que esta en Español :3
RECOMENDADO , 5 Estrellas

Version: v0.27.2
Cool plugin, but just make it more configurable for example prefixes an this wil be awesome.
Author's response
I'm not sure what you mean by prefixes, but feel free to create a GitHub issue, or leave a message in the discussion.

Version: v0.27.2
Hello I love this plugin A LOT it is just amazing.

I have found a glitch. I am using a 1.12 server and when players try to make a wooden sword, pick, and hoe, it takes the wood but does not give the item.

Version: v0.27.2
One of the best plugins for Minecraft. Very useful for any survival server. Thank you very much Developer and keep the good work!

Version: v0.27.1
Loving it only issues im having is make custom recipes. do i delete the recipe.yml or add to it

Version: v0.27.1
Es de los mejores plugins,es muy util y lo uso en mi server!:D
Asi no tienes que saberte los crafteos ni nada!:D
Añade mi server a la lista de servers que lo usan porfavor:

Version: v0.27.1
Fast update, toggleable, many configuration file and it's work with a plugin adding recipe, i like it :D

Version: v0.26.4
Works amazing! Supports 1.11.2 Spigot. Im still exploring the features of the plugin but It definitely does what it says in the overview! Keep up the good work!

Version: v0.26.4
Hi Author~can i share this plugin to
Thank You :D
awesome plugin
hope 2017 have a new update :)
Author's response
Feel free to share a link on the forum. I've been busy with schoolwork, but I'll be working on it when I have time :)

Version: v0.26.4
It looks neat! Please keep this plugin up! Don't let it go down. It's a very nice and friendly plugin.

Version: v0.26.4
One of my favorite plugins and honestly should be put into the main default game. I have no idea why mojang does not add auto crafting of it's own. Well made plugin, no problems, very helpful dev and most definitely worth paying for it if it were on sale. I have donated already, not much sadly, but for sure worth it! Nice job.

Version: v0.26.4
very nice..Super easy to a plugin There are many language support.... can not install NEI..Thank you very much.

Version: v0.26.4
Wonderful plugin, a must have for any descent server. Minecraft should have this by default. Thank you very much Developer!

Version: v0.26.4
Wonderful plugin I do think you should at least be able to somehow change the chest tag on the top right where there's a name of the plugin is I would pay money for a custom version with the ability to change it
Author's response
Just about any text from this plugin can be changed. In the config.yml file, you can change language to something like "Custom" and a language file you can edit will be created, and you'll be able to change things like the inventory title. If you need any more help with this, you can post in the discussion.

Version: v0.26.4
Sorry my bad english.... It's a fantastic plugin, i really love, but some itens isn't show. Hope that is fixed on next releases.
Thank you!

Version: v0.26.4
Amazing plugin, one suggestion though. You should make a recipe section in the crafting part at the bottom. That way players can look up any item and see what they need to make it.

Version: v0.26.4
at first i thought that this plugin will be best but didnt knew that it is saying
(That item is no need repair!) please remove this from config cuz it is annoying and the grammar is wrong
Author's response
I'm not sure I'm understanding your issue. You can post in the discussion describing the problem, and I can see what I can do to help you.

Version: v0.26.4
Tip of the hat to a team that saw a new version come out in the morning and had thier plugin updated that afternoon. Nice job!

Version: v0.26.3
Great plugin, active dev and very clean work.
It lacks a few things like information about the Recipe though, regarding the Lore for example

So a suggestion I would like to see "Lore" support in the Recipes.
Currently it doesn't work, and/or isn't implemented yet, its hard to tell without any sort of Guide to it., and according to the Recipe config, it only shows the option for Name, and not lore.
Author's response
You can add lore to an item using the item's data the same way you would if you were using the /give command:
{display:{Name:"Thick Sword"}, Lore:["Line 1", "Line 2"]}

Take a look here for more information:

Version: v0.26.3
The attention and customer service from this developer is first class. The plugin is the best gui crafting solution I have found. Removes the tedious but does not change the game.

Version: v0.26.2
It even supports my plugin on bukkit :D

Version: v0.26.2
Outstanding idea! One of the utilities you don't even know you need, until you use it, and then you cannot do without it.

Version: v0.26.1
Awesome, but is it possible that you can add support for custom recipes?
By no means must you add the ability to create custom recipes (unless that is the only achievable method of doing so), but moreso just add a method of registering custom recipes?
Author's response
You're in luck! lol
You can already register recipes using the recipes.yml file. There are instructions at the top of the file describing how to create the recipes. If you need any extra help, you can comment in the discussion.

Version: v0.26
I can send my translation? I speak Spanish :p

Author's response
You can create an issue on the GitHub, and copy the language file there.

Version: v0.26
This is the best plugin in Spigot and the support very great and friendly!
Keep development this plugin :)

Version: v0.26
The most amazing plugin I have EVER come across. Thank you SO much for creating. The GUI is simple yet extended. I love that it is also possible for one to disable it for them if they prefer normal Minecraft crafting. Thank you! ^_^

Version: v0.25
Hi Author Kepler_ , i translate to Chinese traditional :DDDD
Author's response
Thanks for the translation! It will be in the next update.

Version: v0.25
My players can duplicate items whit this... This is a very good plugin... Fix this plis! Server version 1.10.2 Ip>>
Author's response
Hi. Can you report this on the GitHub issues page, with specific details how to reproduce the issue?

Version: v0.25
I'm experiencing the same thing as the guy below, it simply isn't working, on right-click it just brings up the regular crafting grid.
Author's response
You need to allow your players to use FastCraft+ by giving them permissions. By default, players don't have permission to use it. You can find all of the permissions here, as well as a sample permissions.yml

Version: v0.25
I used this in the past and loved it. However, this time I'm not using any plugins except this one for a quick fun server and it refuses to work. Even as an op... how do I make it work? Is there somewhere I have to type permission?
Author's response
You can use Bukkit's permissions.yml file to setup permissions. Take a look at this for an example:

Version: v0.25
FC brings something new and unique to Minecraft that some of us didn't even realize was missing.

If you never used it, you wouldn't know you needed it, but when you use it, you won't be able to live without it.

Version: v0.25
Fastcraft takes the mudane out of crafting in Minecraft. This is in the top three plugins I enjoy. I can't see playing without it at this point.

Version: v0.25
TR Dil Desteği Çok İyi Olmuş
Nice will be turkish languge.
Puanım 5 Puan Başarılarınızın Devamını Diliyorum.

Version: v0.25
Does this have support with the plugin that allows you to disable crafting of things like hoppers and such?
Author's response
The blacklist.yml config can be used to disable crafting of items in the FastCraft+ interface, but it has no affect on the normal crafting grid.

Version: v0.25
I love it. Well written, nice plugin, do what it's supposed to do, and does it nicely. 5 stars from me.

Version: v0.25
Good job creating this unique plugin! It works nicely and it's game chapnging. Keep it up :)

Version: v0.25
Simply an excellent addition to your Minecraft server. Our players love the functionality it provides, we couldn't imagine ever playing without it!

Version: v0.24.3
I tried it for 1.9.4 it didn't show the fastcraft table, it showed the regular one any update for the newest 1.9.4?
Author's response
Make sure you have permissions setup. Players require the fastcraft.use permission for the FastCraft+ interface to show up.

Version: v0.24.3
Very good plugin however the alias for /fastcraft that is /cr has conflict with the crates plugin i use as /cr is in it also. if at all possible can you remove that alias?
Author's response
I may remove the aliases in the future. For now, you can look at this to resolve the conflicts:

Version: v0.24.3
Sorry for one stars, but I wasted time translating this thinking what this would work with RpgItems :/

I'll cry
Author's response
Can you create an issue on the GitHub page for support? Say why the plugin isn't compatible with FastCraft+, and any other relevant information.

Version: v0.24.3
Fastcraft is an amazing plugin. Players on the server love this option to fast craft things. The developer stays up to date and fixes issues fast!

Version: v0.24.2
I love this! and its compatible with Craftbook so when I make up a recipe it shows up in FastCraft!!

Version: v0.24.1
This plugin is great. But it is not compatible with MagicChest. Please add support for MagicChest. Thank you.

Version: v0.23
AMAZING plugin, I really like it and will use it for my server
5 Start from me bro and keep update it!

Version: v0.22.2
I enjoy your plugin. Thank you. Excellant resource for any server. I previously spent a lot of time on google looking up this recipie or that because of poor memory. This is enabling for me and I appiciate it.

Version: v0.22.2
Absolutely a must for your server. Thank you Kepler_for this amazing plugin. Have had no issues as long as I keep it updated to the latest version.

Version: v0.22
Best Plugins for Custom Recipes & the Fastcraft system is pure love ;)

Version: v0.21.3
Very good plugin! My players like it alot and I always forget the recipes so it's a very handy thing!

Version: v0.21.3
Ever since a few updates ago, the plugin ceased to work. It used to work just fine, but now it only pulls up the vanilla Minecraft crafting grid. I am on a 1.8.8 Spigot server running ViaVersion to allow 1.9 players (and yes, it worked before with ViaVersion). I did not touch the configuration other than removing the comments on it and added 2 recipes to recipes.yml. Other than that, I have not touched it. It has also given errors to operator ranks such as I over permissions such as fastcraft.command.toggle... Please respond and tell me what I am doing wrong!
Author's response
Version v0.21 had a few changes to permissions. The permission fastcraft.use is no longer default, and you'll have to give it to your players. You can see the permissions page to see what other permissions there are. If you need any more help, you can post on the discussion page.

Version: v0.21.3
Works perfect, directly from installation without any configuration, even works with custom crafting recipies ^^ perfect!

Version: v0.21.1
Amazing plugin! Players really love this feature, alot. Please update this amazingness for 1.9.4! The interface does not come up when i right click a crafting table.
Author's response
I'm glad you like it! You probably just need to give players the fastcraft.use permission so they can open the interface.

Version: v0.21.1
Thanks for the Update with the Permissions. Now it works better than before . Great Plugin ^^ N

Version: v0.20.5
Hello, and thanks for this very usefull Plugin. I love it and use it on my server every day, but the only things which are working are the normal crafting box and the reload thing. There are no firework thing etc?...
Author's response
The fireworks and armor are being worked on, and will be added in the future. I'm glad you like the plugin! :)

Version: v0.20.4
1.9 member bug item good ^-^. waring use for 1.9.2.
Player craft item ... not use inventory :((
Please fix bug.
Author's response
Can you report this bug to the GitHub issue page? I'm not able to reproduce it.

Version: v0.20.2
A really nice and simple plugin with you can add to your server wich can make a huge different! Excellent work, please continue!

Version: v0.19.4
Is there a way to add Shift Clicking into the Fast CRAFT as in 64 gold nugget into 7 Gold Ingot? Overall great plugin!

Version: v0.19.4
Excellent, worked well with my 1.9.2 spigot server, would pay for it if it was premium. Thank you so much!

Version: v0.19.4
Works just as described. At the bottom is a button which lets you use the original 3x3 if you feel you want it. Essentials even picks up /workbench

Version: v0.19.4
Its things like this that will make players choose your server over other ones, little details and quality of life improvements make a ton of difference and really add to server quality. 5/5 Love this plugin <3

Version: v0.19.1
Absolutely amazing and my community loves the plugin great job it also detects custom recipes keep up the amazing work

Version: v0.19.1
I love this plugin it's so useful, especially for the newer players! I would definitely pay for it if it was premium!

Version: v0.19.1
So glad this is on Spigot, and I can't wait for it to go premium. The dev is an awesome guy and deserves compensation for his amazing work.

Version: v0.19
1.9 member bug item good ^-^. waring use for 1.9.2.
Player craft item ... not use inventory :((
Please fix bug.
Author's response
Can you create an issue on this plugin's GitHub page? I'm not sure what the bug is.

Version: v0.15
3/5 great plugin would be 5/5 if Pick Locked Items plugin would be compatible:
Author's response
Please see if v0.16 fixes the issue. If it does not, can you outline the incompatibility?

Version: v0.15
All my players love this plugin and the owner is very nice :)

I look forward to using this in 1.10 :)

Version: v0.15
Excellent resource to manage custom recipes and provide a quick way for players to craft items. It also helps players who don't know their recipes very well.

Version: v0.13
Very nice Plugin, looking forward for it to become finished...
If you want to see it in action visit my Server: (German Language :P)

Version: v0.12
Good Plugin,will you add it support custom crafting recipes and disable recipes?if you will add it,it will be the best plugin

Version: v0.12
All of my players LOVE this plugin! It's so simple to set up and is easy to use. I would love a custom recipe feature too!

Version: v0.12
Now Working with ProRecipes perfect!
Best for multi - new recipes server this plugin!
The creator fix my problem, in really fast time :) Thank you!

Version: v0.12
Thanks good job! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)! :)

Version: v0.8
Good plugin, but i don't have the addons ?!
And I don't know why it is so.
Please help me.
Author's response
They are not in the plugin yet, but will be added in the future.

Version: v0.5
Awesome Plugin, and I love that you are incorporating Custom Recipe support! Only thing lacking is permission support.
Author's response
Permissions are now supported :)

Version: v0.4
Perfect plugin! Made a video tutorial on it :) Keep up the good work! Even better then the previous FastCraft plugin

Version: v0.4
Excellent, but when used with mcMMO it seems to break my ability to right click on a crafting table.

Version: v0.4
Good plugin, some more updates and your plugin will be fantastic.
Developer is really friendly and good. Instant reaction on messages and helping. I love him!

Version: v0.4
Don't usually review plugins, but this one is too excellent to not. Keep up the great work, man, this is fantastic.

Version: v0.3
great plugin nice work

:) .

Version: v0.3
Invaluable plugin!! Though it would be great if you could "mass craft" with the Shift key, like with the regular crafting interface.
Author's response
That's a planned feature. You'll be able to click the anvil button (seen in the screenshot) to multiply the number of items crafted.

Version: v0.3
This plugin is really good. Please make new buttons which are in destripcion and your plugin will be one of best plugins on spigot! :) sorry for my english :D

Version: v0.3
Awesome Plugin that makes crafting so mutch easyer and can make you spend more time building then crafting.

Version: v0.2
So happy to see this on here now. Kepler is such a good guy and a great dev. Again, from all the players at, THANK YOU!!!

Version: v0.2
Great Plugin! And if I remember correctly, the original FastCraft had a toggle for any users who wanted to see a normal crafting table.
Not sure if the same commands apply yet, but I'll let you know after taking this new version for a spin around the block! (No MC pun intended!)

Version: v0.2
Great plugin!
I "only" gave it 4 stars because like @Elumis, I too would like to see a permission system combined with this, if possible.
Author's response
You are now able to use permission :D

Version: v0.2
Amazing plugin, never expected to see this come to non modded minecraft. I was also surprised when the custom recipes even showed up in the crafting interface and all I had to do was drag and drop it into the plugins folder.

Would love to see a permissions system for it tho. Example: someone doesn't have the perm for it so all it does is open a basic crafting table.

Version: v0.2
Great plugin, I'm extremely happy to see this plugin come to 1.9 and SpigotMC. Keep the great work up!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 57,991
First Release: Mar 24, 2016
Last Update: Aug 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
129 ratings
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