// FarmCraft | [1.21] | [Fully Custom Crops] \\ icon

// FarmCraft | [1.21] | [Fully Custom Crops] \\ -----

Plant & Harvest Fully Custom Crops! Customizable Growing Process!

Version: 1.20.4.a.2
Amazing way to make farming more interesting. Though, it still lacks some cool features. I suggest adding:

1. Support for ItemBridge or MMOItems so crops can drop items from these 2 plugins.
2. Hex colors, gradient colors for holograms and items.
3. An option to make the plant stop growing when the water source its using is removed.
4. An option to harvest fruits without breaking the tree, and the tree will keep growing new fruits again (like vanilla berries bushes)
5. Let the crops fertilizable, if you have time, you should add different types of bone meal, fertilizer.

I know I'm asking for too much but the these features gonna be worth it. Hope you can read this.
Author's response
Hello. I HAVE read this! Unfortunately, at this point I am simply in more of a maintenance mode rather than an improvement mode for my old plugins. I just don't have the passion that I did when I first made them. But if it ever comes back, I will be sure to consider and likely add in your feature requests. Especially #2 given I already have it programmed from other plugins I've worked on.

Edit: #2 actually is already implemented. Gradient colors can be handled in either RGB or LCH color space (if you don't know what this means, just use the RGB version or try both and see which you think looks better). To use gradients...
1. To mark the START of the gradient: "&>LCH#000000" where 000000 represents the hex code of the left color.
2. Add your text. No spaces are necessary, simply start adding your text right after the left marker.
3. To mark the END of the gradient: "&<LCH#000000" where 000000 represents the hex code of the right color.

An example of a gradient is:
"&>LCH#ff0000Testing Message&<LCH#0000ff"
This should appear as a gradient from red to blue. If you wish for RGB, simply replace the two "LCH" with "RGB". Sorry this wasn't well documented!

Version: 1.20.4.a.2
Works perfect for 1.20.4!

I was just wondering, if its possible to donwload it for 1.18.2 :D

Version: 1.20.1.a.2
Really cool plugin, I love it but i get a really annoying bug wich is

when you break grass/tall grass in a worldguard region that has blockbreak false it still drop the custom seeds even if players can't break things :/

Hope you fix this but Great plugin overall
Author's response
Thanks for the review and reporting the bug nobody else has! I believe I have fixed it in the most recent release about to come out after I send this response to you :)

Version: 1.20.1.a.2
Can you guide me on how to get the seeds?
I'm not good at using this plugins XD
Author's response
There are two ways to get seeds through the plugin.

Method #1: Use commands. You can use the "/farmcraft give" command as a staff member to give seeds to players.

Method #2: Setup the config.yml to allow users to get seeds via breaking grass on the ground (like wheat seeds). The options you want to set are "Enable_Seed_Drop: true" and then in "Seed_Drop_Chance:", list your crop with the percentage likelihood you want the seed to drop upon breaking a grass (for example "corn: 10")

Version: 1.20.1.a.1
Amazing plugin, does exactly what you want and nothing clogging up servers or tps at all! Amazing job :3
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words! Glad you found use in the plugin :)

Version: 1.17.1.a.4
This is a really great plugin ! i used it for about 1 month now and got no problem !
i only got a question tough,
Do this plugin support hex color ?
if no that would be a great to add it ^^
Author's response
It's been a very long time, but hex codes are now supported with "&#______" where _ represents the 6 digit hex code!

Version: 1.17.1.a.4
Great work, but 1.18 would be amazing. it is not working at the time of review, my players miss it.
Author's response
Hey makvo, unfortunately a 1.18 update can not happen. I've already explained why so I will copy paste the response I gave on my discord server below. If you have any specific questions about what I say feel free to reach out over discord: https://discord.gg/H32FcPp
"There is no solution to the problem. FarmCraft only supports 1.17 because the 1.18 spigot update took away proper developer access to NMS. Basically NMS is like the actual minecraft code rather than the Spigot code. Spigot said that you should never need to use NMS because Spigot can do everything minecraft can do, but that's a lie. I physically cannot support the textured heads in 1.18 because Spigot broke that functionality intentionally."

Version: 1.17.1.a.1
Wonderful customizable farm crops. For anyone that has a problem showing steve's head instead of the blank head, try to downgrade to the 1.16.5 version. Most of the useful information can be searched on his discord server.

Version: 1.16.5.a.1
The only plugin that allows you to create custom crops, also the support is amazingly fast in Discord, a must have if you're running an Spigot server! Won't work with PaperMC, read the page before going to Discord so we'll make the developer life easier!
Author's response
Thanks for the review Raphael! My response is quite late but just to address the comments made, the plugin should now function with PaperMC. Unfortunately the current minecraft version is 1.18 and the plugin no longer functions properly (past 1.17) for reasons I will explain two reviews up in response to makvo369.

Version: 1.16.5.a.1
would there be a version for minecraft 1.17? this plugin is exactly what i'm currently looking for, but can't downgrade to 1.16 due to builds that are already using the new blocks.. :(
Author's response
Just because it isn't officially programmed for 1.17 doesn't mean it won't work on 1.17. Almost all 1.16 plugins automatically are backwards compatible with 1.17. Try using it and if it doesn't work let me know on the discord server on my profile page.

Version: 1.16.5.a.1
HEY PLS HELP! I have the newest Spigot (1.16.5) but it just not loads the plugin
Author's response
Hey Bit, thanks for the review. Feel free to join my discord server found on my profile page.

Version: 1.14.4.a.1
Plugin does not load
. .
Author's response
Hey Kac. I updated it to 1.16 so things should start working again. Lmk.

Version: 1.14.4.a.1
Can u help me to set 100% harvest drop with custom skull texture ._. I tried ID : PLAYER_HEAD & Skulltexture tags but the drop didn't change to my choice head ( just a normal steve head)
But thanks for the plugin, it's so great!
Author's response
Reach out over the support discord server listed on my profile page with a bit more details about what you have so far :)

Version: 1.14.4.a.1
Good Plugin, would recommend, and I have went ahead and set it up to have 1.8 support and 1.15.2 MC support as well as PaperMC Support as I needed it for my server, and thought to share it with others :D

Plugin Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mqtiijtvud2mqm1/Farming.jar

Github Code Right Here : https://github.com/Axolottl/Spigot_FarmCraft
Author's response
I looked at how you implemented reflection and that all seems good but my understanding is that there was a HUGE switch behind the scenes as to how materials were handled in 1.13. Are you sure even with your reflection usage that 1.8 is supported? You didn't do anything to convert from the (what I believe to be new) material system to the (what I believe to be old) material system.

Regardless, this is awesome! Thanks.

Version: 1.14.4.a.1
How to update the server in JAVA 11 ? Because I don't understand how to pass it in this version ... Thx
Author's response
DM me with way more information such as if your server is home hosted or you pay for a hosting provider, if it's home hosted what operating system is your machine running, etc.

Version: 1.8.1
Can you update for 1.14.X ?
Author's response
Done ;)

Version: 1.8.1
Its really good but I need help making it drop custom food, Its really hard to do using foodlol and farmcraft together, could I get an explanation on how to do this so that maybe other people looking at the reviews could see how to do it, along with me being able to know how to also... please?
Author's response
Sorry for not seeing this until now, I was super busy with school! Feel free to reach out over Discord @TheTealViper#2424

Version: 1.7.1
[10:03:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins\FarmCraft.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/craftbukkit/libs/jline/internal/InputStreamReader
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:131) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:329) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:251) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:318) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:222) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:616) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_161]
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/craftbukkit/libs/jline/internal/InputStreamReader
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.<init>(PluginClassLoader.java:82) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:127) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
... 6 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.libs.jline.internal.InputStreamReader
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:109) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:104) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.<init>(PluginClassLoader.java:82) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:127) ~[paperspigot.jar:git-Paper-1574]
... 6 more
Author's response
Looking at the date of this review, the plugin was FARRRR outdated and unsupported. As I said in other replies to reviews, if I get enough free time I'll work on updating this to 1.13 and making it usable again :)

Version: 1.7.1
It's such a great and creative plugin but I don't know how to plant the crop @@
80 chars
Author's response
Judging by the date of this review, I would assume the plugin was broken because Spigot had updated and I wasn't supporting it at the time. If I have enough free time I will work on updating it to 1.13 and making it usable again :)

Version: 1.7.1
not what i expected at all. would have better luck with exotic foods... not clear enough that you need FoodLol to go with this plugin.
Author's response
The whole point of this plugin is to be able to farm custom crops. You do not need FoodLol to use this plugin. You need FoodLol to make the crops edible. Thanks for the honest review though.

Version: 1.7.1
i love that plugin and it is ez to use and if u wana add anything it cold be color to the holo thx for the plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review! If I have time to update everything to 1.13 I will definitely look into adding that feature :)

Version: 1.6.5
Amazing resource
Amazing dev
Full customisable
A lot of features
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Let me know if you have any suggestions :)

Version: 1.6.2
Great plugin! It's exactly what I was looking for! But i've found bugs, please check the discussion thread!
Author's response
Will be doing that now.

Version: 1.6.2
Hi, i really love the idea of this plugin, but i do have a question where its stated "If used in conjunction with FoodLol, you can create farmable, edible custom foods!" does it include where i can configure the corn to drop edible seeds instead of non-edible one or does it only work when i use /foodlol give so to make the seeds edible?
Author's response
Well, just something that I feel like I have to get out. The seeds aren't the only thing that can be edible haha. You can drop a custom textured item that looks like corn for example. To make it edible through FoodLol, you just have to copy the items configuration over to FoodLol along with including the additional formatting that is required on FoodLol's side of configuration. Seeds can be edible if you wish but just wanted to clarify that wasn't the vision I personally had and is not a feature this plugin is limited to :) Thanks for the review and if you have any questions, discussion/pm away.

Version: 1.6.2
Can you make its fruit grow on big trees like oaks?
And can these plants use bone powder?
sorry, my bad english
Author's response
The tree thing has been asked for before and I'll keep that in mind but it is super hard to include. The bone meal idea is good and I might add that sometime soon if I have the time. Your english is understandable so you're fine :)

Version: 1.6.2
Excellent plugin! It really surprised me with the possibilities of customization. The best of the genre, no doubt.
Author's response
"Best of the genre" Is there even any competition lol

Version: 1.6.1
I want an apple tree, that when the plant (seed) has grown to the end, stick a schematic that I have put, would you be able to do it? Thanks
Author's response
Schematics are always tricky because of the decisions the dev has to make when implementing them. Will the schematic override blocks that are already there? If so what if it's a factions/worldguard/etc. region? I can't possibly add support for every single plugin with a region. Basically it just gets reallllly complicated. Probably won't but with the suggestion out there, if I'm ever feeling up to it, I just might.

Version: 1.5.2
Super customisable! This plugin has the quality of a premium plugin!
If you want a custom farm experience on Minecraft I highly suggest this plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I'll be thinking about your suggestions!

Version: 1.2.7
Awsome how much work is in this recourse! really enjoey testing it out! Was just pure fun!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! If you have any suggestions for this plugin or you experience any problems let me know in a PM. Also, if you have any plugin suggestions in general feel free to fling em my way :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 14,621
First Release: Nov 26, 2017
Last Update: Oct 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
27 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings