Complete overhaul of the calculation system.
Redo configs
(Your previous configs will be backed up but once installing this new version your configs will be reset to default values) Do note the first calculation will take longer, but every single one after this will be near instant.
Integrate FactionsBridge into FactionsTop you will no longer need to download/install this seperate for the ftop resource.
Big credits goes to
@Retrix_Solutions for doing all of this amazing work.
Attempt to fix a calculation problem with calculation for 1.17+ Fix plugin unable to start without Citizens installed Fix hologram attached to NPC throwing a error (if you had briefly downloaded 6.0.60)
Fix issue with spawnerstacking when using RoseStacker Code optimization
Fix minor issue if a chunk fails to calculate
Handle error of being unable to determine the correct entityType of a mobspawner item in a chest/dispenser/hopper/dropper Small code change
Minor code improvements
Disable itemcalculation if no itemworth is present
Add debug code for rosestacker hook^
Fix Citizens NPC skin issue
Fix for NPCs saving when they shouldn't
Fix NPCs not being deleted correctly
Optimize holograms a bit
Optimize calculation a bit
WARNING: Your factionstop V5 config will not be compatible
+ Added Ability to make a button that goes to the next or previous ftop page in the header & footer line
Add SpawnerItemWorth config to simplify calculation for spawner items
- Removed EpicSpawners support
UltimateStacker support
Deprecated API usage for handling spawner items
/ftopadmin setchunkspersecond
Changed /ftopadmin forcerecalculate > /ftopadmin recalculate
Make the ftopadmin header line consistent across all commands
Merged ChatSettings.yml & MySQL.yml into Config.yml Change layout of configs plus a few setting names
Please keep in mind some things may not function properly but I do need to get this version tested by all of you so I know what to improve on.
Rework some placeholders to be compatible with the bot
Remove duplicate code
Add Top10Spawner PlaceholderAPI placeholders
Revert back to previous calculation way of handling tasks as the one I tried to make was a bit unstable
Get rid of async error
Even more code cleanup.
Add new PlaceholderAPI placeholders %factionstop_blockcount-formatted#MATERIAL% %factionstop_ftop%number%-blockcount-formatted#MATERIAL% %factionstop_spawnercount-formatted#ENTITYTYPE% %factionstop_ftop%number%-spawnercount-formatted#ENTITYTYPE%
Add ability to request top 10 spawners
Add ability to format the top 10 spawners (example: %top1spawnercount-formatted%)
Add ability to add left click command when hovering over a faction in /f value Add ability to change the left click command when hovering over a faction in /f top
Support for reducing value if a faction has a strike
Get rid of NMS in 1.13 jar as it only makes more things complicated
Using taskchain libary now for handling async & sync operations for calculation Compile against RoseStacker 1.4.2
1.18 compability
Change integers to long
Prevent error with mysql on 1.13+
Now using FactionsBridge to handle individual factions plugin integration.
Add rank colour placeholder for specific factions in /f top
Clean up placeholderapi placeholder class
Remove unwanted debug code
Remove even more code
SQL Auto reconnect
Fix discord bot compability (newest version of it)
Readd %points% placeholder for plugins that support it
Blocksv2.yml, Itemsv2.yml & Spawnersv2.yml are all merged into a single file (Worth.yml)
Added support for MobExtras
Added support for SupremeSpawners
Redo PlaceHolderAPI placeholders
Redo some parts of calculation
Placeholders changed for Spawners please capatalize all spawnernames example (spawners:Creeper) changed to (spawners:CREEPER)
Add more placeholderapi placeholders
Add more placeholders for /f top & /f value
Allow placeholder api to be used in /f top & /f value
Add a configurable prefix for unranked players in chat
Redo internal placeholder mechanism
Add %amountchanged%placeholder to display the amount changed between calculation
Add %amountchangedformatted% placeholder to display the amount changed between calculation formatted nicely
Update default config
A lot of optimizing
Fix UltimateStacker not hooking and working properly
Support for FactionsX on 1.7 - 1.12
Added left-click to show /f who on /f top
Added the ability to place buttons for going to the next and previous page in the headerlines
Added way to configure the looks of the percentagechanged placeholder
Redesigned /f top
Redesigned /f value
No longer depend on vault replaced the check for it
Code cleanup
Fix percentages
Fix pigman not calculating
Fix horse not calculating
Allow not updating blocks instantly (percentages will not work with this enabled)
Formatting of counting
Looking up ftop rank & wealth with papi
Updated to Mvdwplaceholderapi 3.0.1
Updated to WildStackerAPI to build 18
Updated to MergedSpawners to 12.4.1
Attempt to optimize calculation even more
Added 1.13 and above jars for those who wish to try to use those
Compiled against:
FactionsUUID B215
SavageFactions 2.5 RC-6
SaberFactions 2.2.9
Added option to disable calculation of regular blocks to stop potential lag from that if you just want to calculate spawners.
Redo calculation method let me know if this works properly
Show totalvalue of a block/item/spawner example Usage for this is (blocks:MATERIAL
Use (blocks:MATERIAL
ATA:value) for the worth of the induvidual item
Recompile against:
Old factionsuuid
- Removed support for FactionsAddons
- Removed handling of factionsaddons & epicspawners v4
- Remove some debug code
+ Integrate chat addon into the main plugin
No longer store all players in cache for their balance
Might have fixed a weird sql error
Fixed mergedspawners api possably it will require the latest version of mergedspawners as of now !
+ Fixed for some reason initial faction data synchronization being run twice
+ Made the handling for calculation of factions a bit better
+ Might have resolved a bug regarding faction ids
+ Added in support for calculating regular blocks (let me know if this works properly)
+ Added in a check to see if a user has a valid vault api balance since it was causing some weird errors
+ Now has proper richest member calculation for offline players keep in mind their balances is not added into the moneyworth
+ More placeholderapi placeholders
+ Rename all packages appropriate and reduce a lot of static abuse
+ When going above the ftop page limit you will now be forced to be looking at the last page
+ Fixed mysql no longer providing the values of the amount of spawners due to the change in the pricing system
Warning this update may destroy your current ftop & fvalue layout it is adviced to regenerate your configs! This update changes how all item & block & spawner prices are being calculated along with how it is being displayed with placeholders
+ Added Maxpage placeholder for /f top
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop TotalWorth
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop SpawnerWorth
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop ItemWorth
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop BlockWorth
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Total Money Balance
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Author
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Faction Leader
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Faction Richest Member
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Faction Richest Member balance
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 1 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 2 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 3 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 4 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 5 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 6 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 7 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 8 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 9 Faction
+ Added Mvdwplaceholders for FactionsTop Top 10 Faction
+ Made it so that it detects which EpicSpawners plugin version it is running to hook into the correct api.
+ Added Support for EpicSpawners v5
+ Added support for PlaceHolderAPI by clip
+ Recoded the entire item & spawner & block price system
+ Move libaries as some plugins seem to try to take over this plugin its included libaries
+ Support for MergedSpawners this may need some verifiying if it works properly
+ Optimized the method to get player their balances
+ Fix compatability with viaversion for spawners in chests/dispensers/hoppers/droppers
+ Heavy clean up of code
+ Made it so the total server value is being resynchronized every 60 seconds by default configurable in the config
+ Made it so that the richestmember is being resynchronized every 60 seconds configurable in the config
+ Added a more simple way to display multiple header lines
+ Added Evoker spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Husk spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Stray spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Illusioner spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Vex spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added EnderMite spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added CaveSpider spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Donkey spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Mule spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Polarbear spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Llama spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Parrot spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Guardian spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added Elder Guardian spawners to ftop calculation
+ Added %guardian% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %elderguardian% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %vindicator% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %illusioner% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %evoker% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %vex% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %stray% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %donkey% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %mule% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %husk% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %polarbear% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %llama% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %parrot% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %cavespider% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Added %endermite% Placeholder for /f top & /f value
+ Changed test server to support clients from 1.7.* to 1.12.*
+ Added mobeggs for the items that can be calculated in chests/dispensers/hoppers/droppers
+ Fixed items in chests/dispensers/droppers/hoppers not adding the correct item amount
Resolved /f top completly failing to work and being unsorted
Fixed that certain blocks where not being calculated as actual values even if configured (diamondblock,emeraldblock,redstoneblock,coalblock,goldblock,ironblock)
Thanks for reporting
+ Made a list for the placeholders for /f top
+ Made a list for the placeholders for /f value
+ Fix spam when command was being run asynchronously to prevent lagg
+ Added placeholder for percentagechanged Note: this is still in beta
+ Added a /ftopadmin status to display how many chunks still have to be calculated until its finished for those who are wondering what the progress of it is
+ Added ability to show totalspawnercount in the header of /f top & /f value
+ Added more columns for sql you MUST delete the current table in your database or manually add the following columns as a VARCHAR with a lenght of 36
+ Fixed bug where money was being double calculated
+ Got rid of some code that wasn't nessary
+ Optimized some code
+ Added a message if you are running /ftopadmin writetomysql to confirm it is working instead of no message at all
Added in more sql columns containing information about the spawners so you are now able the amount of spawners a faction has
If you are already using mysql you will have to delete your current table as it is not compatible
+ This update should fix an error being thrown when creating a faction
+ There should no longer be an error coming from the plugin when stopping your server
+ Readded some mysql functionality currently you can grab the following information from the database for your website
Hi I have readded support for chests, hoppers, droppers & dispenser calculations please bare in mind that I have to add items manually I am working as fast as I can on adding items
+ Added the ability to display the most richest faction member of a faction along with their balance
+ Added %richestmember% to display the richest member in /f top & /f value
+ Added %richestmemberbalance% to display the richest member their balance can be used in /f top & /f value aswell
+ Added in a command to display author information for server owners if they think some kind of developer is on their server claiming to be me
+ Added in a command to force recalculation of chunks
+ Added in a prefix line if you don't type in any arguments when using /ftopadmin
+ Changed up colours of /ftopadmin aswell displaying the version number of the plugin for support reasons
WHen i disband an factions and i do /f top, the console spam this error:
[18:48:00 INFO]: Faciliamo issued server command: /f top
[18:48:00 WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 3639"
[18:48:00 WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin FactionsTop v3.3 generated an exception while executing task 571435
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
[18:48:11 WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 3638"
[18:48:11 WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin FactionsTop v3.3 generated an exception while executing task 118
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
Appearntly i wrote &leader% instead of %leader% on the skull owner
Please replace those manually to %leader%
For those who have not updated yet you wont be needing to do this