EZTellRaw icon

EZTellRaw -----

EZTellRaw is a simple Skript that recreates /tellraw but easier.

/eztellraw, /eztr, /tr, /etr, /easytellraw, /tellr
The base command.
Example: "/tr Hello!" will print "Hello!" in chat.
Renames your held item without the use of an anvil. Supports formatting.
Example: "/renameitem &4&lInferno &c&lBlade" will rename your selected item to "Inferno Blade"
Shouts a specified message to the whole server with enhanced visibility to make it more noticeable.
Example: "/shout &chi chat" would send "Player shouts: hi chat" in the chat.
Sends a specified message with an alert symbol in the front of it and enhanced visibility, like /shout.
Example: "/alert &c&lServer Restarting in 10 Minutes!" would send "[!] Server Restarting in 10 Minutes!" in the chat
Sends a chat message as the server.
Example: "/serversay hi" would send "[Server] hi" in the chat.
/ping <player>, /ms <player>
Sends you the specified player's ping.
/sudo <player> <text>
This is more of a fun command, please don't abuse it in any bad ways. Like other plugins with this command, it makes it look as if a player is saying something they never said.
Example: "/sudo Wavemelon aaa" would send "<Wavemelon> aaa" in the chat. Note that the specified player must be online.

For other help, such as color codes and formatting codes, you can use /eztellraw help for more info on that specifically.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 16
First Release: Sep 30, 2024
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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