✨ Exstraban plugin ✨ A plugin for banning and unbanning players with a delay and customizable messages. You can also change and adjust the settings from config
✨ You can set your settings ✨
✨ command ✨
/eb help Display help message for the exstra plugin
/eb reload Reload the plugin configuration
/eb ban Ban a player for a specified duration
/eb unban unban <player> - §fUnban a player from the server
/eb banlist List all banned players
/eb kick Kick a player with a specified reason
/eb mute Mute a player, preventing them from sending messages
/eb unmute Unmute a player, allowing them to send messages again
✨ and more comand soon... ✨
Advice: Delete the plugin folder after updating the plugin jar file, because there is a feature that I did not add, to update the plugin folder automatically.