EXP-Gems [ 1.18 - 1.20] - ⚔️ Mega Exp Gains ⚔️ - ⚒️ Gem Crafting ⚒️ - ⚡ Cool Effects ⚡ icon

EXP-Gems [ 1.18 - 1.20] - ⚔️ Mega Exp Gains ⚔️ - ⚒️ Gem Crafting ⚒️ - ⚡ Cool Effects ⚡ -----

Perfect for RPG/Fantasy servers

MAWWW Features!
I've been playing around with a few ideas and what not, let me know what you think.

- Gem crafting: put 9 gems of a lower tier into a workbench and you'll get 1 of the next tier up.
Screenshot 2023-08-05 233540.png
Screenshot 2023-08-05 233556.png

- Hidden Gems: You can now swap between how gems are obtained, either by having a random tier gem drop on mob death or have an 'Unidentified Gem' drop where a player right clicks with and they get a random gem or use EXP LEVELS to identify the mystery item in your hand (EXP cost can be disabled in the config or via admin GUI).
(Gem cost can also be changed in the config, currently set to 2% or 0.02 of a players level).
Screenshot 2023-08-05 233619.png

- Items now have names when they drop. (can be toggled in the config or via the admin menu).
Screenshot 2023-08-01 234313.png
----------, Aug 5, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,471
First Release: Oct 18, 2021
Last Update: Sep 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings