Due to many plugin changes old configs are NOT COMPATIBLE with the new version!
[IMPORTANT] Added hard dependency 'JCore' that needs to plugin work. It's included in .zip.
[New] Crate templates. Now you can create your own design for crate opening GUI.
[New] Plugin main command(s) now are configurable.
[Added] Support for custom heads for crate reward items/preview, crate items and keys.
[Added] Support for 'long' cooldowns: days, weeks, months, etc.
[Added] Support for 'OP' and 'CONSOLE' commands. Use prefixes '[OP]' and '[CONSOLE]'.
[Added] Support for multiple commands for crate rewards.
[Added] Lore format in config.yml for crate preview items.
[Added] Permissions: 'goldencrates.bypass.cooldown', 'goldencrates.bypass.cost'.
[Added] Multi-lang support.
[Fixed] Code refactor and performance improvements.
[Fixed] A bit improved GUI Editor.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Removed] 'Delay' crate option.