- An error in key inspect command if no player specified.
- Backup your ExcellentCrates folder and test before use in production!
- You must upgrade to v5.3.5 first to install v6.0.0
- You need EconomyBridge for full and proper custom item support in crates, keys and rewards.
- Now supports only version 1.21.3 and above.
- Update nightcore to v2.7.3.2.
- Openings config structure has been changed. You will need to update your custom openings.
- Hologram Template config path and structure a bit changed to allow future additions.
I have seen a lot of people having issues with setting up crate rewards. So the following changes were made:
- Split rewards on Item and Command rewards.
- Commands option now available for Command Rewards only.
- Item Content option now available for Item Rewards only.
- Display Name and Preview options now available for Command Rewards only.
- Item Rewards will use name and icon of the first item stored in it as Display Name and Preview options.
- Added new non-GUI crate openings with API.
- Required Permissions reward option. Sets which permissions player must have to be able to obtain the reward.
- Finally a proper support for custom item plugins! Including: Nexo, Oraxen, ItemsAdder, ExecutableItems, MMOItems and ExcellentCrates itself!
- Description (lore) option for Command Rewards.
- Description option for Crates.
- PlaceholderAPI placeholder for latest opener name, latest rolled reward.
- New GUI opening animation 'storm'.
- Added better inspection for crates, rewards and keys. Prints all problems in console and in editor GUI.
- Reward Limit reset time (cooldown) now can be set to never reset (-1).
- Added explicit delete buttons in GUI editor with confirmation.
- Added reward creation GUI, where you select reward type.
- Added explicit config entries for 'Enabled' state of crate's preview and animation options.
- Crate data with latest opener/reward info migrated from crate config files to the database.
- Increased line width for crate holograms, no ugly wraps anymore!
- Split rewards to Item Rewards and Command Rewards. GUI Editor will show different options depends on reward type.
- Reward Limit datas now stored in one table in the database.
- Reward Limit "cooldown" is now "reset time" for amount of obtained rewards.
- Permission to bypass reward limits now applies on both, global and personal limits.
- A bug, where crate data of one server gets removed on another one when connected to the same database.
- A bug, where crate open cost settings gets removed from the config if EconomyBridge wasn't installed.
- A bug, where preview cooldown applied even if crate has preview disabled.
- A bug, where crate effects works incorrect in some cases.
- A few mistakes in default lang config.
- A lot of code flaws, issues, potential bugs and errors.
- Multiple bugs related to reward limits.
- EconomyBridge support. Provides even more currencies for the crate open cost feature.
- Minor issue related to crate holograms and fast player reconnection.
PLUGIN REQUIRES nightcore v2.7.0 OR NEWER!
Updated CoinsEngine integration.
Fixed cooldown not applied properly
Removed debug messages
Fixed data conversion
- Added another GUI to edit reward limits.
- Crate holograms don't flicker anymore.
- Possible error on crate opening if player has no rewards available.
- Improved reward limits loading & saving for better performance.
- PacketEvents support for crate holograms.
- Config option to limit visibility distance of crate particles and holograms.
- PlaceholderAPI placeholders for crate milestones.
- Cooldown issue #210
- Holograms & particles code improvements.
- Dropped 1.18.2 version support.
- DecentHolograms support (just use ProtocolLib or PacketEvents).
Fixed a few bugs in internal holograms.
Requires the latest nightcore build.
- Config option to disable Milestones feature globally.
- Config option for crate preview cooldown when interacting with crate block(s).
- Config option to allow skip opening animations.
- Reward option to toggle placeholders apply for reward item(s).
- Display Entities support for internal holograms handler.
- Internal placeholders to display reward's rarity weight and roll chance.
- Added packet synchronization for internal holograms handler to reduce their flicker.
- Crate block locations no more throws errors if loaded before custom worlds.
- Hide Milestones button in crate preview GUI if milestones disabled or crate has no milestones configured.
- A bug, where internal holograms duplicates when using reload command.
- Possible error in editor due to invalid particle names in 1.21
- Force crate, key and reward ids to accept latin letters and numbers only.
Update to the latest nightcore
- Permission for the /crate key giveall command, which allows server owners to exclude certain players (namely alt accounts) from getting crate keys via the command.
- Updated Spanish translation.
Updated Chinese translation.
- Another bug with crate opening stuck in Creative gamemode.
- Minor bug in rewards editor, where you can put items directly to the GUI using shift-click.
- Added exception catch for ProtocolLib.
- A duplication bug when multiple keys are assigned to a crate #186
- Crate Mass Opening no more plays hundreds of sounds. #179
- A bug, where players stuck in mass opening if crate has no opening animation set.
You must update nightcore to v2.5.2.1
Fixed some possible glitches related to crate openings. Should be perfect now.
Reverted the reward preview "fix", all is good now as it was before.
- Possible visual issues with reward preview items.
- Enchantments are not displayed for rewards.
- Mass Opening does not trigger rewards for some openings.
Fixed some possible opening glitches
- Allowed recipes with crate keys.
- A possible stutter when closing inventory while opening.
Fixed error when creating keys.
This update introduces new crate openings config structure. Your current custom openings will NOT work!
You need nightcore over NexEngine to run the plugin now.
- Command '/crate openfor' to open crates for specified players.
- Config option to limit amount of possible mass crate openings.
- Crate option to toggle key requirement without removing all keys.
- Button type 'OPEN' for crate preview menu. Allows you to open crates right from the preview GUI!
- Global reward win limit & cooldown. Now you can limit amount of rewards and set their cooldown for the whole server.
- Option to set reward cooldown after certain amount of wins.
- Internal crate placeholders support for reward commands & items.
- PlaceholderAPI support for preview GUIs.
- Command flag '-nosave' for key commands.
- XP Levels as a currency.
- Command '/crate open' now only simulates a regular crate opening (with all key, cost, permission checks) for the player who used the command.
- Openings Overhaul. Now even more flexible and customizable.
- 'Prevent Opening Skip' option now works for all openings.
- Reward 'Actual Chance' value now includes reward's rarity weight as well.
- Players will receive their keys back if the server or plugin were reloaded during crate opening, or if there was not reward spins.
- Players will be refunded properly for crates they refuse to open or if opening was cancelled by the server.
- Added support for internal crate placeholders in opening GUI titles.
- Added a GUI to edit particle data in a user-friendly way.
- Added even more fool proof.
- Rarities are moved out to the config.yml from rarity.yml.
- Hologram Y offset reverted back as per crate option.
- A bug, where key name not saved when changed in editor.
- A bug, where Internal hologram handler conflicts with some other plugins.
- A bug, where assigning crate to blocks works incorrect sometimes.
- A possible opening bug, where it can roll the same reward even if it has only 1 possible amount or cooldown.
- A lot of minor, possible bugs.
- Performance improvements.
- HolographicDisplays support since it's abandoned.
- Update NexEngine
- Do backup of the plugin folder.
- Current crate 'Open Cost' settings will be lost.
- CoinsEngine support for crate open cost feature.
- Permission for the Mass Open feature (given by default). #116
- Reward win logs. #89, #115
- Drop key command: '/crates dropkey' #55
- Internal crate placeholders: '%crate_last_opener%' and '%crate_last_reward%'. #129
- Internal hologram handler. Requires ProtocolLib and 1.19.4 or newer.
- Config option to select hologram handler.
- Revisited editor GUI. Now clean & compact. Simplified mouse key actions.
- Rewards editor now reflect crate preview layout so you can organize your reward positions more easier.
- Protection/claim plugins should not prevent crate interactions anymore.
- Overall open cost system refactor and improvements.
- Crate hologram Y offset option has been moved to the main config file, and is global for all crates now.
- Crate hologram text option has been moved to the main config file. You can create multiple text templates for different crates as before.
- A bit optimized player keys check.
- A bug, where players can only one reward when using mass open on crates with openings having 2+ rewards. #114
- A bug, where if you hit Escape to skip the animation, and the reward is death, the plugin will give you two rewards instead of one. #94
- A bug, where invalid preview config being created as empty file.
- A bug, where reward items become different sometimes when given to players.
- Added auto-removal of invalid crate/reward limit data. #102
- Minor memory usage optimizations.
You must update NexEngine to install this update.
- Engine update.
- Internal (!) placeholder: '%reward_real_chance%' to display actual reward chance (related to chances of other rewards).
- A bug, where /crate key inspect command permission check works incorrect.
[New] Milestones Feature! Allows you to setup per-crate milestones to reward players for opening crate certain amount of times.
[Fixed] Crate Rewards with 0 chance no more displayed in crate previews.
Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)
There is no more hard version dependence in the Engine, so this plugin should be compatible with new versions without extra updates.
WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.
Command /crate key inspect is back!
Updated translations.
Minor bug fixes.
[New] Mass Open Feature! Use the 'CRATE_MASS_OPEN' type in the config.yml under 'Crate.Click_Actions' section.
[Fixed] A bug, where 'menu' command always wants you to provide menu id instead of using default one.
Make sure to update NexEngine
[Added] Silent flag '-s' to 'key', 'give', 'open' commands (it will not notify players about execution).
[Added] PlaceholderAPI placeholder for amount of player's crate openings.
[Improved] Default messages and colors in them. Added sounds.
[Improved] Crate Menu format reworked and simplified. Added default examples.
[Changed] Command to give keys to all online players now is '/crate key giveall'.
[Changed] Command 'forceopen' renamed to 'open' command. Added force '-f' flag.
[Fixed] A bug, where giving keys to all online players may result in memory leak and server crash because of independent user data save threads.
[Fixed] A bug, where menus were half-working due to late crates loading.
[Fixed] Internal crate cooldown placeholder will display correct values for one-timed and zero cooldown now.
[New] Rarity Feature. Create custom rarities and assign them to your rewards. Each rarity also has a roll chance, so you can split your rewards into categories!
[Added] Crate Effect Models: 'Spiral', 'Sphere', 'Heart'.
[Added] Reward editor option to set Display Name on Preview Item.
[Improved] Now uses single task for crate effects (Reduced memory & cpu usage).
No more Citizens integration at all. I'm tired of reports from people who can't repair installation of that plugin. Assign commands to your NPCs if you want them to open or preview crates.
Update NexEngine to new release (04/04/23)!
[Fixed] Inaccurate reward chances algorhythm.
Fixed minor bug in editor and with virtual keys
[Added] An option to require players to hold keys in main hand to open crates.
[Added] An option for crate cooldown time formatter.
[Added] An option to toggle holographic reward display above crate block.
[Added] An option to set close time for opening animation when completed.
[Added] PlaceholderAPI support for reward commands.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate effects played in unloaded chunks causes them to be loaded again.
[Fixed] A bug in Keys editor where keys are not displayed.
[Fixed] Outdated format in default GUI configs.
[Fixed] Errors with DecentHolograms.
[Dev] Added 'CrateObtainRewardEvent' event.
[Fixed] A minor bug, where crate containers can be opened when interact with items on cooldown (e.g. goat horn).
[Added] Reward option to prevent giving that reward if player has certain permission(s).
[Added] A config option to prevent PlaceholderAPI from being applied on reward items.
[Added] A config option to prevent skip opening animations.
[Added] A config option to change crate editor titles.
[Added] 'Spin 3 Rows' default opening animation similar to previous one.
[Locale] Added Chinese language.
[Added] Chinese language.
[Improved] Now you can skip crate opening animation.
[Fixed] Added opening sounds to default configs.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate opening GUI not closed when all rewards are given.
!!! Update NexEngine !!!
[Fixed] A bug, where reward sorting by chance works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug, where reward deletion does not saves changes to the crate config immediately.
[Fixed] Improved MySQL synchronzation between multiple servers.
[Added] 'Tick_Sound' option for the crate opening configs to both 'Rewards' and 'Animations' sections.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate preview does not changes until plugin reload.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate hologram not updates when changing crate block locations.
!!! Download the latest NexEngine !!!
Update Notes:
- New opening animations are stored in the /openings/ folder instead of /animations/
- Old animations will not work anymore. Make sure to reassign them to your crates.
- GoldenCrates converter is not a thing anymore.
[New] Crate Opening Animation System. Now more flexible, faster, less buggy, and even smoothly!
[Added] Fast reward creation option for the 'Create Reward' button.
[Added] PlaceholderAPI support for reward item's name and lore.
[Improved] All editor GUIs were improved with a new layout and button descriptions.
[Changed] Some placeholders in messages were changed. Mostly it's '%player%' -> '%player_name%'.
[Fixed] Console error related to crate block effects that appears sometimes.
[Fixed] Removed unnecessary code.
!!! Update NexEngine (DOWNLOAD) to v2.2.6 !!!
- Improved Database stability and performance.
- Improved User Data handling.
- Added 'Table_Prefix' option for the 'Database' section in 'config.yml'.
- Permissions are now registering internally.
Fixed weird console errors on opening crates sometimes.
Updated to the latest NexEngine v2.2.4
1.19 Support & Updated to the latest NexEngine v2.2
[Fixed] A bug, where crates keys not taken from playes.
[Fixed] Console errors/warns.
[Fixed] An Engine bug, where custom head crate items throws an error when trying to be given to player's inventory.
[Improved] Commands 'givekey', 'takekey', 'keys' were replaced by the 'key' command with 'give', 'set', 'take', 'show' sub-commands.
[Changed] Permissions for the 'key' command were changed. See docs for details.
[Fixed] Minor code improvements.
NexEngine compatibility fixes
Added Spanish translation
[Fixed] Reward items amount should be finally fixed item.
[Fixed] A bug, where player does not get notification about receiving a crate key.
[Fixed] Engine updates & fixes.
[Fixed] A bug, where when using 'SPIN' animation players can abuse reward skip system.
[Fixed] A bug, where a crate with 'null' preview still tried to create a config for it.
[Fixed] SQL errors when migrating from GoldenCrates.
Support for the GoldenCrates database data migration.
Potential fix for the reward itemstack amount.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can take out items from the crate opening GUIs. Again.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can take out items from the crate opening GUIs.
Fixed console errors caused by invalid sound implementation.
Added auto crate config converter from GoldenCrates. Instruction is inside plugin .zip.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate keys are not taken from player inventories sometimes.
[Fixed] DecentHolograms errors.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate hologram can not be disabled.
[Fixed] A bug, where player can open any crate with any key.
[Fixed] A bug, where rewards order in editor does not saves.
[Fixed] A bug, where plugin can take incorrect keys from player inventory.
[New] Now crate rewards can give multiple items at the same time.
[New] Reward win limits! Now you can set how many times a certain crate reward can be won by a player with a cooldown. For example, you can make one-timed rewards, daily rewards, etc.
[New] Now you can assign multiple keys to the same crate.
[New] Now when you close the GUI while crate animation is played, animation will be cancelled and a random reward(s) will be given instantly.
[Added] Configurable crate actions on certain clicks. By default Left click to preview crate, Right click to open crate.
[Added] Per crate 'Particle.Data' option for block particle effects. (Some effects are requiring colors or material names, now you can specify them).
[Added] Per crate option to set the crate block hologram Y offset.
[Added] Per reward 'Broadcast' option instead of global one.
[Added] 'preview' command to open crate preview.
[Added] 'forceopen' command to make players open certain crate(s) without key, cost and permission checks.
[Added] 'takekey' command to take keys from players instead of using negative amount in 'givekey' command.
[Added] 'resetlimit' command to reset player's reward win limits for certain crates and rewards.
[Added] 'resetcooldown' command to reset player's cooldown for certain crates.
[Added] 'player' argument for 'menu' command and permission to execute this command on other players.
[Added] Separate permissions for each command.
[Added] Separate permissions for each crate open cost type.
[Added] Permissions to bypass crate reward win limits.
[Added] Support for DecentHolograms.
[Changed] Crate 'Exp' open cost changed from total player experience to exp levels.
[Changed] Crate cooldown now can accept negative values to make crate one-timed.
[Changed] Crate visual reward display now handled by hologram plugins.
[Fixed] A bug, where 'barrier' crate blocks does not react on clicks.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate block pushback worked only for key checks.
[Fixed] A bug, where crate preview not changed until the plugin reload.
[Fixed] Now you will see 'No Key' error when trying to open a crate with invalid key ids specified.
[Fixed] A lot of minor fixes and improvements.
[Removed] Spigot 1.15 support.
[Removed] Min. and max. rewards amount crate option. Now regulated by animation configs.
A few fixes for crates editor
Fixed crate block locations, engine update
Some fixes for crates loading and visual item drops.
1.17 Support. Bugs, lags and errors are included.
Updated to the latest Engine
Reset /editor/ folder to update editor settings.
New Additions:
▸ Added an ability to provide different custom preview GUI for each crate. See /previews/ folder.
▸ Added a command to drop crate item in the world: /crate drop.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed a bug, where player can lost money when trying to open key with not enough exp.
▸ NPE Fix.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed reward broadcast.
▸ Fixed reward deletion (use Middle click without shift).
New Additions:
▸ Now you can change crate reward's order in editor by using Shift + Left/Right keys on a reward. Use Shift + Middle key to delete.
▸ Open source now.
Fixed Engine color codes handler.
Fixed Citizens NPC click for crate preview.
Please reset /editor/ folder to apply new changes.
New Additions:
▸ Updated to the new NexEngine.
▸ Added developer API events.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Crate open and use effects were removed.
▸ Optimized crate particle effects code.
New Additions:
▸ Added new particle effect types: Tornado, Vortex
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Improved Helix particle effects.
▸ Added clickable chat tips for some buttons of in-game editor.
▸ Minor bug fixes.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Fixed a bug where players can lose their keys if they don't have enough money/exp to open the crate.
Fixed compatibility issues.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
▸ Improved instant data saving option.
Updated to the latest Core plugin.
New Additions:
▸ Added support for Spigot 1.16.2.
▸ Added support for giving keys to offline players.
▸ Added new config options for user data management.
Fixes, Improvements:
▸ Maximized PlaceholderAPI compatibility.
▸ Minor code optimizations.
Fixed PlaceholderAPI hook.
[Fixed] Support for negative values in givekey command.
/crate keys command now displays all player keys and amount. Added new command permissions.
[Fixed] A bug, where freshly added rewards broke the whole crate reward ids.
Added an option for instant user data saving for MySQL storage.
[Added] GUI editor for crate keys.
[Fixed] Minor issues.
Please update or reset /editor/ folder.
Please update or reset /templates/ folder.
[New] Crates keys are stored in /keys/ subfolder now and each key has it's own config. Also, multiple crates can use the same key now.
[New] Crate open cost settings now are menu-independent.
[New] Crates don't have a certain crate type anymore, now you can give any crate as an item, attach it to multiple blocks and add it to the custom crate menus!
[Added] A bit more possibilities to crate templates. Now you can add more than 1 reward using animated GUIs! Added new spin mode.
[Added] Crate open exp cost.
[Added] Crate open permission requirement.
[Added] Inventory empty space check on crate open.
[Fixed] Minor errors.
[Fixed] Optimized code.
Fixed crate item consuming.
[Fixed] A bug, where item creates can be used infinite amount of times.
[Fixed] A bug, where keys can placed in the world.
Fixed a bug, where virtual key crate can be opened without a key.
Fixed Core location serialization bug. This fixes a bug where crate blocks breaks after server restart.
Another database fix. Should be fine now.
Fixed database errors and some other
Dropped 1.13 support.
Updated to the latest FCore.
This is technical update that fixes minor bugs and uses updated version of plugin core.
Promised features and settings will be added in the next update(s).
[Fixed] A bug, where player can lost money when trying to open a paid crate without the key.
[Fixed] Multiworld issues.
[Fixed] Crate deletion was changed to 'Shift+RMB' in crate list of the editor.
[Fixed] Console errors.
Updated to the latest FCore. Important GUI fixes.
Fixed a small issue with command display in edtior
[Added] New command: /crate checkkey. Displays amount of player keys for specified crate.
[Added] Config option to disable visual drop for Block crates.
[Fixed] Bypass permissions had wrong names in the code.
[Fixed] Item enchants now properly displays in crate GUIs.
[Fixed] Small issues in the editor.
[New] Now you can preview rewards for item crates by left click it in hand. Opening is on right click.
[Added] Config option to disable crate preview.
[Added] PlaceholderAPI support. Placeholders are on plugin page.
[Changed] 'open-cost' option is now available for all crate types.
[Changed] Enhanced GUI editor.
[Changed] Now more than 1 Citizens NPC may be attached to a crate.
[Changed] Reward broadcast message was moved to language config and crates broadcast option turns into 'true/false' value.
[Fixed] User manager.
[Fixed] Possible huge problems with the database.
[Fixed] A lot of small bugs and issues.
[Fixed] Code refactor and optimizing.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Fixed] Improved reward names format in broadcast message.
[Fixed] Crates and keys can not be renamed on anvil anymore.
Updated to the latest JCore + minor fixes
[Fixed] Crate saving issues.
[Fixed] A bug where crate preview gui was empty.
[Fixed] A bit optimized.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Added] Support for 1.14
[Added] Possibility to define craft key as a virtual key for any crate type.
Improved editor's interface.
[Fixed] A bug where Menu Crates appears in all menus instead of defined one.
[Added] A bit animations and visuals to block crates.
[Added] 'roll-sound' option to crate templates.
[Fixed] Improved Random algorithm.
[Fixed] Console errors.
Updated to the latest
Update to the latest JCore
[Added] Support for 'RAINBOW' block colors: Wool, Stained Glass, Bed, Concrete, Concrete Powder, Banner, Shulker Box, Carpet
- A bit improved GUI's work.
- Improved VersionUtils.
Fixed an editor issue where you can't drag & drop custom items.
[Fixed] Texture displaying of custom heads in editor GUI.
[Fixed] Improved support for custom heads.
[Fixed] Database errors.
[Fixed] Console errors.
Due to many plugin changes old configs are NOT COMPATIBLE with the new version!
[IMPORTANT] Added hard dependency 'JCore' that needs to plugin work. It's included in .zip.
[New] Crate templates. Now you can create your own design for crate opening GUI.
[New] Plugin main command(s) now are configurable.
[Added] Support for custom heads for crate reward items/preview, crate items and keys.
[Added] Support for 'long' cooldowns: days, weeks, months, etc.
[Added] Support for 'OP' and 'CONSOLE' commands. Use prefixes '[OP]' and '[CONSOLE]'.
[Added] Support for multiple commands for crate rewards.
[Added] Lore format in config.yml for crate preview items.
[Added] Permissions: 'goldencrates.bypass.cooldown', 'goldencrates.bypass.cost'.
[Added] Multi-lang support.
[Fixed] Code refactor and performance improvements.
[Fixed] A bit improved GUI Editor.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Removed] 'Delay' crate option.
[Fixed] Remake of reward algorithm.
[Fixed] Some bugs in the editor.
Small update with major bug fixes. I've started to work on a big update for 3.0 version.
[Added] Breaking (removing) crate block by Left-Click in Creative and sneaking.
[Fixed] Reward chances should be finally fixed now.
[Fixed] A bit improved giving keys and items to playes with full inventory.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Fixed] A little bug with /crate reload command.
[Fixed] Crate enchants now hidden from lore.
[Fixed] Some bugs with item enchants in editor.
[Fixed] Editor should be ok now.
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Fixed] Crate chances should be ok now.
[Added] Support for '*' (all players) in give commands.
[Fixed] Crate names in opening GUI.
[Fixed] A bug where crate editor works incorrect for 2+ pages.
Sounds can be disabled now. Change sound to 'NONE' or anything else except the valid sound name to disable them.
[Fixed] Console errors.
Reward chances should be finally fixed now.
[Fixed] Console errors on crate opening.
[Fixed] Finally fixed Crate Preview bug.
[Fixed] A bug where crate keys can be placed as normal blocks.
[Fixed] A bug where reward chances works incorrect.
[Fixed] A bug where crate preview was a bit buggy.
PLEASE NOTE: This version in only for Spigot 1.13+ !!!
[Added] Support for Spigot 1.13
[Fixed] Console errors.
[Fixed] Code optimization.
[Fixed] Console errors in the crate preview.
[Fixed] Some small bugs with crates listeners.
[Added] Language strings to change crate opening titles.
[Fixed] Crate titles in preview GUI.
[Fixed] A bug with hologram locations
Some bugs with crate opening.
[Fixed] Some bugs with crate editor on creating a new crate.
[Fixed] Console errors on plugin startup.
[Added] Crate subtype: ROULETTE (previously CSGO)
[Added] Citizens support. Left click - preview, Right click - open
[Added] Crate option NpcId: <Number>
[Changed] CSGO crate now has a new GUI interface.