- Abstract Bukkit APIs
- Support for Folia
- Changes configs to use SnakeYAML
- Fixes bugs with command errors
- Fix some bugs with old versions
- Removed Vault support
- Fix bugs with signs in old versions
- Unit tests (EsTools should be more bug free in the future)
What this means for you
Support for Folia
You can now use EsTools on Folia by PaperMC.
Changes configs to use SnakeYAML
All you configs will be migrated to using our new system, you don't need to do anything. Please note that if you want to go back to an old version you will need to delete all your config files and rename all the `.old` files to be their original names.
Removed Vault support
Signs using Vault will not longer work. Although this is the removal of a feature we feel it is for the best. According to bStats no one even uses Vault support, Vault hasn't been updated in years, and we are trying to support non Bukkit compatible platforms, so continuing
to support Vault made no sense.
Full Changelog: