EssentialsX Selectors: @a, @p, @r (Addon) icon

EssentialsX Selectors: @a, @p, @r (Addon) -----

This minecraft plugin adds @a, @p, and @r to EssentialsX Commands! Also adds "@a[thing=value]"!

This Minecraft plugin adds @a, @p, and @r to EssentialsX Commands! Works with command block and console aswell!

Just pop this into your server, and it will just work! No commands, no config no nothing! As simple as could be.

How is this helpful and what does it do?
The very popular plugin EssentialsX, has never had support for target selectors like @a, or @p. And especially when working with command blocks, those selectors would be very helpful if they existed, But with this plugin, they do!
This plugin works with:
- Players
- Console
- Command Blocks!

@a - all players @p - closest player @r - random player @s - yourself

Note: @p and @s can NOT be run from the server console, and @s can NOT be used in command blocks.

Without plugin (normal EssentialsX)

/egive @a dirt -> Unknown player @a
/essentials:kill @p -> Unknown player @p
/give @r diamond 5 - > Unknown player @r

With Essentials Selectors Plugin:

/egive @a dirt -> *gives every player on the server dirt*
/essentials:kill @p -> *kills the closest player*
/give @r diamond 5 - > *gives a random player 5 diamonds*

There are also specifications for selectors, for example: "@r[gamemode=creative]"

- "/kill @a[gamemode=creative,tag="KillMe"]
- "/feed @r[distance=250]

There are 6 specifications that can be added to any selectors:
  • gamemode
  • tag
  • limit
  • distance
  • level
  • team
    You can also add a "!" before a value to do the opposite. For example: "@A[tag=!"CoolTag"]"
For a list of what all of these do, and how to use them, refer to my spigot page documentation HERE.

Permissions are as follows:
  • "essxselectors.use" for using any selectors in general. This is given to all players by default.
  • "essxselectors.all" for the "@a" selector. This is given to all players by default.
  • "essxselectors.self" for the "@s" selector. This is given to all players by default.
  • "essxselectors.random" for the "@r" selector. This is given to all players by default.
  • "essxselectors.closest" for the "@p" selector. This is given to all players by default.

This plugin does not replace EssentialsX! You still need to install the original EssentialsX plugin for this to work!
This plugin is an unofficial EssentialsX addon. This plugin does not use any code from EssentialsX.

Need support? Found a bug? Have a suggestion?
Please create an Issue HERE I will try to respond and help within 24 hours :)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,741
First Release: Mar 30, 2022
Last Update: May 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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