invulnerable command, toggle invulnerable only creative able to damage you
lightning command, strike lightning on target block or target player
message.yml updated
- essentials.command.invulnerable
- essentials.command.lightning
vault extra changed class named from userHandler to > userService
these services can be useful for other developers
remember to check points updates for message.yml changes
patched tablist weight
little complicated to explain, was using weight to set order
this has been patched more info on GitHub
tablist orders from 0 to above by ordered weight
vault extra uses entity, user, warps and worth interfaces
levels for entities updated
using "type" instead of "item" for the levels section for entity files
default entity file can be found on Documentation
removed services manager since it just adds only one service
using getserver.getservicemanager instead
removed isTamed | getOwner for entityHandler for tamed entity
this function was unnecessary, since there is Tameable
gitHub updated to latest
priority to send owner and members last
bank info:
name: name
account: 0
owner: yeet
- yeet1 rank
Remember to check last update to get members rank for message.yml
patched where {0} should be the arg the player was sending
this is when home does not exists and it would just return {0} does not exists
it will return the arg the player was sending
if player has more sethome permission it will try to get the highest
permission plugin
group has default
user gets other sethome permission
it will get the highest no matter where you give them the max homes permission
i wanted to let players buy more homes without changing groups, now we can
with permission: essentials.event.potion.multiply
if player uses second potion or splash with same effect it will add the duration instead of reset to potion duration
hat error on item with space caused by to title case
jail not teleporting due to jailed, ironically
kit message path
worth error on item with space same with hat error
projectile functions has been added to config.yml
see default config.yml and message.yml on Documentation
added info for each functions you can read more in gitHub
bank can be interact with vault as well therefore player bank will get reset
bank command updates
/bank create bankName
/bank invite player
/bank rank player member
default allows to depost
member allows to withdraw
co-owner allows to invite and remove members | set rank roles for members
owner allows to do all bank settings
permissions has been updated
best to delete message.yml or copy from Documentation
this means message.yml has been updated
time and weather commands are player related time/weather and not server related time, if you wanna change world time and weather use /minecraft:weather or /minecraft:time
or other plugin which allows to change world time/weather
patched few missing permissions for exempts
default configs can be found on Documentation or delete message.yml
changed userdata to class instead of record
this class can be used easier for other plugins
config.yml has been updated
message.yml has been update
check Documentation for default values
worlds and portals functions has been seperated
excacly same functions while portals has updated with end portal usage
this update might be good for npc creation from other plugins
commands/events from message.yml default can be found on Documentation
prefered to
delete "
entity" folder and "
message.yml has added exp/lvl command
entity files added
equipments for spawn event
entity settings changed
these are the reason its prefered to
delete "
entity" folder and "
message.yml" which allows to configure entity equipment, health and scale on creature spawn event
/bank withdraw target
/bank deposit target
opens gui for target without permissions
patched few targeting for few commands such as
/warp warpName target
delay removed for
/back target
/warp warpName target
more info on gitHub
added time command
patched tpaccept command for tpa command {it was checking tpaccept sender and not tpa sender}
time command added
patched uncolored tpa command
default message.yml can be found on Documentation
added spawner command, which means message.yml has been updated
config.yml has been updated as well for the spawner display and lore
default files can be found on Documentation
Spawner section is above Notification section for config.yml
spawner section added for message.yml
path for disabled spawn reason has been patched for entity command
remember to update config.yml chat section is new under homes
default config.yml can be found on Documentation
added more messages for message.yml
for banned message when loging in
for hat command self target
permissions for gma gmc gms gmsp changed to gamemode permissions
default message.yml on Documentation
patched secondary resize message
only message.yml updates for:
change "You resized primary location for {0}" to "You resized secondary location for {0}"
or copy portal configuration on Documentation
added value for delwarp
if value for the path is empty, player will receive the message of the path name
commands.delwarp.invalid: is missing a value
default message.yml will be shown on Documentation
for ban reason:
/ban target 1 day for being a monkie! uhh!
patched respond command example:
/r why you writing to me
the output message was "you writing to me"
added message.yml
patched few permissions from commands
patched projectile events for entityHandler/ the entity command
created projectileHandler if player is creative projectile dissapear on hit if non player 3 sec dissapearence
more info on gitHub
allows to withdraw and deposit by command
information command:
- account and bank account added
- quit location added and home names
tpahere command:
patched target teleport and message
on player level change has new permission
- essentials.event.level_change
used for particle and sound effects on level up or down
rest of the permissions will be shown on Overview