As it has been promised, we finally delivered the new update. The plugin went through a complete rewrite, we hope that you like it! With this plugin being completely free, including this update,
I'd greatly appreciate a donation as a lot of time went into developing it.
Existing kits are automatically being upgraded from the legacy version.
Please add an issue to our GitHub repository in case you notice a bug:
Issues ยท MrEAlderson/EssentialsKitGUI (
- Thank you very much!
What has changed?
- The plugin has been rewritten and now uses Maven
- Added native support for 1.13+ (Legacy versions are still fully supported)
- Replaced the prefix setting for kits with display names
- Added hex support (1.16+ only)
- GUI has been completely redesigned
- Added a bunch of new configurations
- Kits are now being stored separately as JSON files
- Now using .yml instead of .cm2 for the config files
- Improved multi-page support
- Added various sounds
- It is now possible to forcefully place a kit somewhere at a specific slot in the GUI
- Greatly improved performance
- New messages and replaced the old ones
- Added multi-threading support
- Greatly improved stability
- Now supports modern EssentialsX as well
- Added bStats metrics
- And likely a lot more