Hello everyone, I may not be able to update this plugin so frequently due to my studies. If you experience any bugs, please report it in my discord and I'll deal with it once I get a chance. Thanks!
EpicItems is a plugin that adds custom items with unique abilities, this would be perfect for almost any type of server!
- Enchanted the custom items will cause it to not function
- The recipes for some items have been updated, but it has not been updated on the spigot page yet
- Update checker does not function properly
#Should the evoker mob drop the Evoker staff?
evokerDrop: true
#Max block range for the Evoker Staff ability
evokerStaffMaxRange: 10 #Cannot contain decimals
#How far should the Grappling hook pull you forward?
pullVelocityOfGrapplingHook: 0.3
#Should the grappling hook give speed?
grapplingHookSpeed: true
#Which bows should have the quiver? (Infinite arrows)
EndermanBowQuiver: true
ExplosiveBowQuiver: true
RunaansBowQuiver: true
#How far should you teleport while using the Enderman Sword
endermanSwordTeleportDistance: 8
#Explosion power of the Ace Sword
aceSwordExplosivePower: 4 #Warning! Very high numbers and decimals might cause problems, try not to go higher than 10.
#How much damage should the Bonemerang do?
bonemerangDamage: 25.0
#Should the wither and ender dragon drop the Explosive bow?
witherAndEnderDragonDrop: true
#How long should the Stealth Strike work for?
stealthStrikeTime: 50
Features: Frequent Updates
Custom Cooldown
MySQL Support
BETA Custom recipes (Look below)
Custom mob drops
Optimization for performance
Plugin Connections (Vault + More soon, look below)
Open Source
Menu Screen
Features Planned:
Customise item crafting in config
Change item meta in config
Implement WorldGuard
PlaceHolderAPI implementation
Add a ‘disable items in world’ config option
Order of info on this page: Overview
+ Warriors Axe (Image coming soon)
1. Main Command Permission: "epicitems.main" or "epicitems.admin"