== v1.2 ==
+ Fixed the kill accreditation system to ensure that players are properly credited for mob kills. This correction is crucial for tracking player achievements, rewards, and progression accurately.
+ With the kill accreditation issue resolved, the default Minecraft XP drop system now functions correctly. Players will receive XP drops from mobs as intended when they achieve a kill. This ensures that the XP distribution is fair and based on the proper recognition of kills.
+ Full HEX support -- modify in your config.yml every
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== v1.1 ==
+ Added highly customizable particles: Each level can now have custom particles (if you don't want particles, just remove the specified level).
+ Added a customized leveling system: You can now create as many levels as you like.
+ Particles can now be turned off or on for all levels.
- Removed the particle toggle for individual levels. (implemented above)
+Added aliases: [es, enderscythe]
+ Implemented more restrictive blocking for using EnderScythe in Crafting, Enchanting, Grindstone, etc.: It can't be used anywhere (at least I hope so).