· Dragon attack can cause burn/frozen effect
· New option: allows '.' appears in reward configuration's key.(save items whose display name contains '.')
· Add option: dragon's no_damage_tick
· Optimize auto_respawn function to eliminate 10 seconds lag
· Now you can set multiple auto_respawn task in every world
· Add Groovy script engine, you can write a script and enable it when plugin loads!
· Provide single-line listener registering and simplified method to register command in the script
Code (Groovy):
//Example of listener: Events.
class, e
-> e.
sendMessage("Hello")) //Example of command: def executor
={ sender, cmd, label, args
->{ sender.
sendMessage("I'm a test command") returntrue } } new Command
· Add command: /ed action tell, which can parse papi variable and color char '&'
/ed action me tell: %player_name% -> return your name
· Add Command: /ed action groovy, which can run groovy code directly
/ed action me groovy: tell(player.level) -> return your exp level
/ed action me groovy: tell(itemStack.type) -> return item's type on your main-hand
/ed action Steve groovy: player.setFoodLevel(player.foodLevel+1) -> plus one food-level for player named 'Steve'