EnderBag | Portable Ender Chest icon

EnderBag | Portable Ender Chest -----

Access the ender chest on the go


An easy way to access the ender chest. No more carrying around a second pick with silk touch just to access the ender chest on the go.


A configurable custom item which provides access to the ender chest when used.
Resource pack support, the item can be skinned to look like a native item.

Configuration Options
Custom recipe - Define a custom recipe for the item. Want it to be incredibly difficult to obtain? Make it cost a few wither stars.
Custom name and description - Don't like the name "Ender Bag"? You can name and describe the item however you want in the config.

enderbag.use - Allows the player to use the ender bag item (true by default)
enderbag.command - Allows you to open the ender bag with a slash command /enderbag
enderbag.give.self - Allows you to give yourself an ender bag
enderbag.give.others - Allows you to give ender bags to others

/enderbag - Open the ender bag
/enderbag give <player> - Give an ender bag to a player. If player is ommited, gives to yourself.

Soft Dependencies
When opening the ender bag, the displayed text will always be "Ender Chest", regardless of what the client language is set to. This can be fixed if you have ProtocolLib installed.

Resource Pack
This plugin applies `custom_model_data` to the new item. This allows a resource pack to apply a unique skin, and even change the skin based on certain conditions. The custom model data is described below, along with a standard resource pack.

NOTE: The model data is a unique identifier specified in the server config. This is to prevent conflicts with other model data on the same item. If you alter this value, you will need to update the predicates in the resource pack as well. The default identifier is 831.

This is my placeholder programmer art pack. It is enough to give the ender bag a unique look. If anybody creates a better resource pack and doesn't mind sharing, I would love to replace replace the "official pack" or start listing them here.


Feel free to extract assets and combine with your servers existing resource pack.

From 1.18 onwards, you can force clients to use your resource pack in server.properties. Point it to a hosted compatible resource pack and clients will download it when they join.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 697
First Release: Feb 7, 2023
Last Update: Nov 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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