Enchants Squared - The EnchantsPlus rewrite! [1.14-1.21.4] icon

Enchants Squared - The EnchantsPlus rewrite! [1.14-1.21.4] -----

50+ Highly customizable vanilla-like enchantments. w/ WorldGuard, Geyser, & Jobs compatibility

Bug fixes, HUGE improvement to performance, and 3 new enchantments.
Fixed a bug where console would throw an error if you chose to look up information on the "unassigned" enchantment in /es list

Fixed a bug where tools with excavation or sunforged could break blocks even if they were not strong enough to break them, such as stone pickaxes breaking obsidian. Tools with sunforged could also mine and harvest ores they were not meant to, such as wooden pickaxes being able to harvest gold and iron ore and getting ingots from them.

and a couple more probably

New enchantment: Potency
Any potion the user drinks is increased in power, but duration is reduced. This does not affect potion effects given by other enchantments. Example: A strength II potion lasting 1:30 would now give strength IV lasting 0:45 as an example

New enchantment: Neutralizer
A shield enchantment that, when the user uses it to block, splash potions and lingering potions will not affect the user. This applies on both negative and positive potion effects, so be careful.

New curse enchantment: Curse of Berserk
A curse enchantment that, when worn or held, the user deals a % more damage but also takes a % more themselves.

Huge performance boost to the plugin overall. The plugin now has a much easier time detecting which enchantments are on which items, and the player movement listener is now much less "spammy".
However, sadly these performance improvements made the plugin incompatible with version 1.13. My apologies for this

One important note though
, if any of your existing items are not working you should put them in your inventory and re-log out and into the server. The plugin will go through your items and add the relevant metadata to them to make them work again.
----------, Feb 6, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 134,413
First Release: Dec 15, 2020
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
70 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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