Custom Enchantment Scrolls: Unlike traditional enchanting methods, our plugin introduces the concept of enchantment scrolls. This not only adds more excitement to the game but also brings more challenges for players when enchanting items.
Success and Failure Chances: Enchantment scrolls have a chance of success and failure when used. If successful, the item gets enchanted; if failed, the item turns to ashes, adding randomness and challenge to the game.
High Customizability
Configurable Success Rates: You can set the success rates for each enchantment according to your server's needs, ensuring game balance.
Allowed Items and Enchantments: Through a simple configuration file, you can specify which items can be enchanted and which enchantments can be applied to these items, catering to different gameplay requirements.
Enhanced Management Control
Disable Anvil and Enchantment Table: The plugin disables players from enchanting items using anvils and enchantment tables, ensuring all enchanting actions are controlled through the plugin. This prevents uncontrolled powerful enchantments and enhances game fairness.
Custom Messages: You can customize the messages displayed to players when using enchantment scrolls, including color codes, making the game interface more attractive and engaging.
Easy to Use
Simple Configuration Files: The plugin's configuration files are designed to be simple and clear, making it easy to set up and modify. You only need to change a few configurations to meet various needs.
Detailed Custom Message Functionality: Through the message.yml file, you can customize all messages displayed to players, including success, failure, and prohibited actions.
Key Features
Custom Enchantment Scrolls: Adds more randomness and challenge to the game through the use of scrolls for enchanting.
Configurable Success Rates: Allows you to set the success rates for each enchantment as needed.
Allowed Items and Enchantments: Specify which items can be enchanted and which enchantments can be applied to these items.
Disable Anvil and Enchantment Table: Ensures all enchanting actions are controlled through the plugin.
Custom Messages: Supports custom messages displayed to players, including color codes.
Installation and Configuration
Download and Install the Plugin
Place the compiled plugin jar file into your server's plugins directory.
Configure the Plugin
Start the server to automatically generate the config.yml and message.yml files.
Open the config.yml file and set the success rates and allowed items/enchantments as needed:
messages: success: "&aEnchantment successful!" failure: "&cEnchantment failed, item turned to ashes!" not_allowed_item: "&cThis item cannot be enchanted!" not_allowed_enchantment: "&cThis enchantment cannot be applied to this item!" anvil_enchant: "&cEnchanting with an anvil is disabled!" table_enchant: "&cUsing the enchantment table is disabled!"
Restart the Server
Ensure all configurations are set correctly and restart the server to apply the changes.
Monitor and Maintain
Regularly check the server logs to monitor the plugin's performance and ensure all features are working correctly.
Adjust the parameters in the configuration files as needed based on player feedback to provide the best user experience.
use: Just move the enchanted book to the item you want to enchant to enchant it