EnchantGui 1.8 ~ 1.21.x Editable MaxLevel/Prices/Support custom enchantment & economy icon

EnchantGui 1.8 ~ 1.21.x Editable MaxLevel/Prices/Support custom enchantment & economy -----

Freely choose the enchantment for your items

Version: 3.9.1
Great plugin. Works as intended. Support is also good. Thanks to the developer. Keep up the gud work.

Version: 3.9.1
Really really good developer got fixed a bug a few hours after reporting. Plugin is very vanilla-like.

Version: 3.8.3
The enchantments are all mixed up, the file has a name for endless arrows, and the enchantment goes to protect the armor
Author's response
A name conversion bug in Spigot is causing the plugin not able to load the enchantment correctly.

Next time, please ask in the support channel first before leaving a review

Version: 3.8.2
proyecto abandonado, ya no hay compatibilidad con Excellentenchant. me puse en contacto por discord pero nunca me contestaron, era un excelente plugin que ayudaba mucho a los jugadores de geyser. en fin, todo lo bueno tiene su final, supongo.

Version: 3.8.2
Nice plugin!
Please make a variable chance_rating to level editing!
This way enchantments can have a chance of success or failure when trying to enchant, that would be great!

Version: 3.8.2
Hello my friend. Please add 'nbt_int: custom models' in the gui menus! Thanks!
Author's response

Version: 3.8.2
This resource is awesome, and very underrated. 9 likes? C'mon guys it's free just like it if you use this great plugin. Reliable, and practical try it!

Version: 3.8.2
this plugin is very great but if you want to make the plugin excellent add a way to add more enchant slots with a custom item or custom token

Version: 3.8.0
very good plugin overall took a few hours to configure but then worked nicely, is there a way to have more than 3 enchants on an item tho
Author's response
yes, go to config.yml and change the values in the "enchantment-limit" section

Version: 3.8.0
The plugin is very cool! Just make sure that in the config (alias-commands) the command was registered, so that you could continue it with the TAB button

Version: 3.7.3
un grandioso plugin para solucionar el problema de encantar con "excellentenchants" a los jugadores de geyser.

el unico problema que encontre es que si se establece un limite de encantamientos, supongamos que 7 todo bien pero si fucionan 2 espadas con los encantamientos al maximo, obtendra 14 encantamientos en total... espero y puedan solucionarlo para que diga "demasiado caro" y no se pueda juntar en el yunque

Version: 3.7.3
great plugin but could use a bypass permission, to bypass all cost, xp, money, lapis

Version: 3.7.3
Excellent plugin! I use this plugin with EscellentEnchants and It's AMAZING!
Thank you very much and PLEASE continue working on this plugin.

Version: 3.7.3
This plugin is Excellent for playing with my dude. But do I need to give OP to my friend to access the command ? or using the Enchant table and use the GUI ?
When my friend use /enchant command it said " You don't have permission to do this "
Author's response
you can download a permission plugin (e.g LuckPerms) and give your friend "enchantgui.command.enchant" to your friend.

List of permission: https://github.com/LegameMc/EnchantGui-API/wiki#commandspermissions

Version: 3.7.3
omg i'm just plan to make a enchant gui using deluxemenus and then i found this plugin thanks

Version: 3.7.2
Wonderful plugin has full support with ecoenchants and love it! very simple but hella useful.

Version: 3.7.0
Just brilliant! Simple, to the point and not bloated with extras. I really wish I would have found this plugin earlier for my server. Thank you!

Version: 3.6.7
Excellent Plugin!
A small Problem: incompatible Enchantments can be added to one Item, despite the 'ignore-conflict' list.
I'm using the latest Version on my 1.19 Server.
Author's response
Hello, if you don't want incompatible enchantments to be enchanted into one item, you have to add the enchantment into "blacklisted-enchantments" (in both enchantment file)

Version: 3.6.7
Special thanks for this fast update.
I love your plugins.

On my my server it is a must have.

Version: 3.6.6
Fantastic, the enchanting gui could use another theme option in the config though

Version: 3.6.6
plssss advanced enchants support :c pretty good plug btw

Version: 3.6.6
love this plugin! practically perfect, i would love to be able to make it so it doesnt open on a right click, but i get thats a minecraft thing and not related to this plugin. so great!

Version: 3.6.3
Spent a bunch of hours trying to recreate what this plugin does with shop plugins but even the most powerful plugin lacks to what this one's is capable of. Absolutely recommend this plugin for RPG servers or if you just want to have a vastly better management of enchantments in general, who can enchant what and to what level

Version: 3.6.2
Plugin is amazing and the developer is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with.

Version: 3.5.1
Is there a way not to pay with a manager-only function?
+ I hope we can give magic to items like blocks.

Version: 3.5.1
This is an excellent plugin, it allows enchantments to be more acessible and easier to apply to your tools or weapons. Also, it updates quite frequently, thanks for that dev for maintaining a stable plugin.

Version: 3.4.4
Amazing Plugin, Just added it to my 1.17.1 server and everything works fine. Nice and clean Ui and easy to use. Keep up the good work.

Version: 3.4.4
Great plugin and an active dev. Does what it needs to do and I've got no issues.

Version: 3.4.4
This plugin is great there is some issues here and there but for the most part the plugin is great

Version: 3.4.4
This is one of the best plugins I've used,
so easy to costumize, the one issue I had is that the plugin only takes xp levels, not the actual xp value this makes it quite hard to make it.
of course I found a solution but if you can just add the ability to use xp and not xp levels I would greatly appreciate that!

Version: 3.4.4
thanks for adding the advancement option! really helpful DEV,. love this plugin. always hated you have to try again and again to get the enchant you wanted ... and also keep changing bookshelf count to get some specific ones!

Version: 3.4.2
EnchantGui::Task: com.gmail.legamemc.enchantgui.EnchantGui$$Lambda$293/328977488 (Single)count(1) total(29.91% 0.612s, 111.30% of tick)avg(612.17ms per - 55.65ms/0.09 per tick
Author's response
There're 2 solutions
1. Upgrade your pc
2. Don't spam /enchantgui reload

Have a nice day

Version: 3.4.0
add chance to get enchant!


Version: 3.4.0
Amazing plugin, you can customize every aspect about it. And it's free! But if it cost money, I definitely would buy it.

Version: 3.4.0
I had a tiny issue regarding the checking of economy provision and the dev fixed it asap, cheers! Thank you

Version: 3.3.1
Thank you for the plugin, I started using it, it is easy to play and easy to configure

Version: 3.3.0
Great plugin. Works perfectly with my EcoEnchants. Would definitely recommend using.

Version: 3.3.0
Works great! I wish there was a feature to remove enchantments tho!..............

Version: 3.3.0
quick response from the author
Shift plus left click to break the enchantment table ;) lol

Version: 3.2.2
good , but maybe you can update more about this plugin , how about : SOUND .... click sound, enchant sound...

Version: 3.2.1
Does not matter if plugin works properly or not.
The developer a good person, thanks.

Version: 3.2.0
Very good plugin! Apreciate the fact that it supports enchantments from other plugins. It'd be cool to have a cool-down after a certain amount of enchanted items.

Version: 3.2.0
It's very light, Customized GUI & message. so comfortable plugin. The author is activated and helpful for fixing bugs. Cool!

Version: 3.1.6
The plugin itself is nice to have & use, simple, yet perfect. The author will help you anytime in need! ♥

Version: 3.1.5
This plugin is very important for my server.
Amazing plugin, attentive author, best support.

Version: 3.1.4
Esse plugin é inovador, vou usa-lo em meu servidor de SkyBlock Brasileiro. Qual plugin você me recomenda a usar em conjunto com esse?

Version: 3.1.4
Very poor plugin. Has memory leak issues that were reported to the developer months ago without any fix. About half a year ago I also requested another price option which was promised to be added soon, 6 months later, several reminders and it's still not here. Clearly this plugin is abandoned so I'd recommend not using this on a production server.
Author's response
First, "memory leaks issues that was reported to the developer months ago".
The ONLY message you sent was "Can you make a price option for EnchantGui be PlayerPoints or Tokens?".
Picture: https://imgur.com/a/6cpBXx0
I don't see any messages from you talking about the memory leak issues.
Now you are trying to make my plugin look bad because I didn't add the thing that you wanted.

Version: 3.1.4
Love this plugin! I installed in v1.0.0 ... When I checked yesterday I saw that it was on v3 ! I tought that this plugin was abandoned but right now I dont! :D Nice work with him! In the first version I had some DUPE glitch but now in the newest version I dont have DUPE GLITCHES anymore! thanks for your support of the plugin

Version: 3.1.4
Its a great plugin,I will install it on my server.
Can I move it to https://www.mcbbs.net/ in China?
I marked the original author.
Thanks. :D

Version: 3.1.3
Sir please support enchant player skull
Thanks the best plugin!!!!

Join my server
V : 1.14.4 ONLY

Version: 3.1.3
This is exactly what i'm looking for, but when i want to enchant something it takes my exp but doesn't enchant the item? i'd like an explanation on how to get it to work properly. I'm using Spigot 1.8.8
Author's response
you can join discord ( https://discord.gg/FJ5Q4uN) or pm me

Version: 3.1.1
Great plugin, easy set up and works fantastically with no errors or problems! Thanks!

Version: 3.0.8
Very nice, but could you add guiplus support because when I open the echant menu via guiplus, it doesn't work, I can move items from the gui and duplicate :l
Author's response
try the new version

Version: 3.0.8
Nice but please add 1,000 format support to the prices.
Author's response
will add soon

Version: 3.0.7
It is an incredible complement and with many years of antiquity, I loved it but I wanted to do something like cuebcraft skyblock, how can I get rid of the arrows to change the page? or do you think it's possible for you to edit the plugin for some money, I want it similar to the cubecraft skyblock enchantment form
Author's response
cubecraft skyblock?

Version: 3.0.2
Ugh i dont know why but when i use the enchant command (/enchant)
it dont show anything.
I hope u will help me...(thanks and sorry my english is bad).
Author's response
pretty sure the plugin is disabled due to the "check-update" issue, set "check-update" to false in your config.yml

Version: 3.0.2
This is what error it just creates 1 config.yml file (help thanks)
17:31:39 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling EnchantGui v3.0.2 (Is it up to date?)
at com.gmail.legamemc.enchantgui.EnchantGui.checkUpdate(EnchantGui.java:203) ~[?:?]
at com.gmail.legamemc.enchantgui.EnchantGui.onEnable(EnchantGui.java:57) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:292) ~[skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:337) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:405) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:373) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:323) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:412) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.l(MinecraftServer.java:377) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:332) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:271) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:535) [skyblock1.jar:git-Spigot-72c2605-251a5b6]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_231]
Author's response
hello, can you pm me and send me your config.yml? thanks

Version: 3.0.2
Wonderful plugin, customizable and with a beautiful guide, excellent support from the creator/developer, thank you very much!

Version: 2.3.10
update 1.15 ? i like this plugin
Author's response
Yes, currently I'm updating the plugin

Version: 2.3.10
very good, i like this plugin why is very configuraty andy oi not speak engish bla

Version: 2.3.10
Nothing to say really, fully customizeable, great plugin for donator ranks on servers ! keep it up lad !

Version: 2.3.10
Very easy to config, great developer / fast support; a really good plugin! Really recommend you all to use it for your server!

Version: 2.3.10
Great enchantment GUI plugin, very responsive dev and very kind! Glad about the support.

Version: 2.3.10
This is a really well-made plugin and perfect for removing money from the economy by allowing players to make their own gear.
Super easy to set up too.

Thank you for the work you put into this :)

Version: 2.3.8
Good plugin but i have problems can you help me? please for pm?
Author's response

Version: 2.3.6
Great enchantment GUI plugin, very responsive dev and very kind! Glad about the support.

Version: 2.3.6
Perfect plugin! I found a bug, reported it, and it was fixed in few days. I used it on my server and players like it.

Version: 2.3.5
awesome plugin and great dev always responds very quickly and helps

Version: 2.3.4
Very good plugin! I found a bug, reported it, and it was fixed the next day. Very nice developer!

Version: 2.3
Some bugs who can cause issues in game as warned in PM, but very nice plugin, and great support for a free plugin.

Version: 2.2
Works great on 1.8 tried on later versions but didn't work so im sticking with 1.8. Wish there was a way to bulk buy though.

Version: 2.2
Very Good Support Enchant Plugin. The Best Enchant Plugin. Good Job

Thanks for Author!

Version: 2.1
Hello, I am using version 2.1 on my 1.12.2 paper spigot server. My items disappear when I try to enchant items.

Version: 1.3
Hi, your plugin is amazing! Can you add mending, depth strider, and any of the new enchantments?
Author's response
You can add it into config yourself
Example: https://pastebin.com/TSabX8dB

Version: 1.3
Good plugin but does not come with all enchants such as Mending in the gui/configs, be even better if that was added or if anyone can tell me how to add it in.
Author's response
You can add it into config yourself.

Example: https://pastebin.com/TSabX8dB

Version: 1.2
FIX 1.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Author's response
Join the discord server and give me information about the error when you use the plugin thanks :)

Version: 1.2
It doesn't work at 1.8 :(
Author's response
When i get home, i will fix it.

Version: 1.2
Hey, amazing plugin but There is Just one issue.... The enchantment tablet is unbreakable can hou fix that? Thanks. Sorry for the bad english
Author's response
Shift+Left-Click to break it. If still unable to break it, please pm me. Thx

Version: 1.1
A great plugin, I don't have to deal with it anymore. Thanks! <3

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 57,956
First Release: Dec 10, 2018
Last Update: Jul 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
74 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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