config: #This is the list of enabled emotes. When you add one, you need to add it here too. emotes: #This is an example emote. The section name of the emote need to be in emotes-list (line 3). happy: #This is what will be replaced by the emote code: ':happy:'
#This is the emote emote: '☺'
#This is the permission the player needs to use the emote (leave in blank if don't want). permission: 'emoteschat.emote.happy'
code: ':heart:'
emote: '♥'
permission: ''
emotes-list-header: '&a&lEMOTES LIST'
emotes-list-no-emotes: '&c&lYou can''t use
any emote.'
emotes-list-emote-identifier: '
%EMOTECODE% &e&l- &r%EMOTE%'