Added chances to rewards, you can add chances to rewards by adding <chance>;;<command> Example: 30;;give {PLAYER} emerald 1
Added ability to set armour as coloured leather Set material as LEATHER_<TYPE>:R,G,B Example: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE:255,0,0
Added custom Discord Announcer (Discord Bot) You can now announce when a boss has been spawned to your discord. This is a fun way to get players more interacted with fighting bosses since it lets them know when one has spawned Note: You can enable/disable this feature Requires:
Added Metrics via bStats
Added OTHER to SpawnType (for people using the API)
Added Support for EliteConquest
Added registerEffects(Class<? extends Effect>... effects) method to EliteBossesAPI, you can now register your own custom boss effects
Added terminateBoss(UUID uuid) method to EliteBossesAPI, you can now remove bosses via API much more easily.
Added TREASURE_BURST effect TREASURE_BURST:[LOOT-ID]:[AMOUNT] Throw loot in multiple directions You must add loot into the new treasure-burst.yml and use the command /elitebosses treasureburst <id> <chance>
Added Treasure Goblin Boss This mini-boss is a low health boss in which every time you attack it, there is a chance for it to spew out rewards. Make sure you don't kill him all at once
Added THROW effect Throw nearby/target players THROW:[X]:[Y]:[Z]:[MULTIPLIER]: (RADIUS) Recommended value for most, set x/y/z to 0.5 and multiplier to 1.5
Added better support for FactionsX
Fixed issue with /eb active not removing active boss when removed from the gui
Fixed issue with Minions not displaying custom name
Fixed issue with BABY_ZOMBIE not working as an entity type, this was causing the new treasure goblin boss to not spawn