- Improved replant_crops (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added projectile support to headshot (Thanks kiriharu!)
- Improved libreforge force-loading for custom distributions (Thanks Erik Szabó!)
- Improved FancyNPCs support (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added more mcmmo integrations (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added scale effect (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Fixed random chain executor not respecting weight
- Added FancyNPC integration (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Fixed 1.21.3 and 1.21.4 support
- Updated to latest eco
- Fixed mine_radius_one_deep
- Added ability to disable holder update on item pickup (Thanks EricSzabo!)
- Added sheep_color filter (Thanks exanthiax!)
- shear_entity now supports snowmen (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Added honey_level_full filter (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Added honey triggers (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Fixed points commands not working with global points (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Improved mine_radius_one_deep (Thanks b0hle!)
- Fixed damage_twice (Thanks OfTeN!)
- add_enchant, remove_enchant, and has_enchant all now support enchantments from datapacks
- has_skill_level now supports AuraSkills
- Filters can now have both the regular and inverse present at the same time
- Added spawner_entity filter (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Updated to latest version
- Fixed AuraSkills integration (Thanks mishonenchev!)
- Fixed attributes on pre-1.21 (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Added AxEnvoy integration (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Added NuVotifier integration (Thanks exanthiax!)
- Fixed error with craft trigger on 1.21
- Fixed rotate effect and added new rotate_victim effect
- /libreforge points now works with global points, just pass "global" in as the player
- Added safe_fall_distance effect (1.21+)
- Added block_reach and entity_reach effects (1.21+)
- Added mining_efficiency, mining_speed_multiplier, and underwater_mining_speed_multiplier effects (1.21+)
- Added gravity_multiplier effect (1.21+)
- Added increase_step_height effect (1.21+)
- Added jump_strength_multiplier effect (1.21+)
- Added movement_efficiency_multiplier and sneaking_speed_multiplier effects (1.21+)
- trident_attack is now paper-only
- Updated various internals to be 1.21-based, please report any bugs that occur with previous versions
- Updated to Java 21
- Added option to add certain ItemFlags to all items on the server (e.g. to globally hide attributes). This will require display-without-meta to be set to true in /plugins/eco/config.yml
- Fixed cross world block break issue
- Fixed attribute bug
- Fixed 'heavy arrows' bug on 1.21+
- Fixed LevelledMobs version compatibility issues
- Fixed console spam on 1.20.6
- Fixed a long list of bugs related to slots
- Added several new effects/conditions and made several improvements to existing effects/conditions (Thanks Callum!)
- Several memory optimisations (Thanks Casper!)
- Added 1.20.6 support
- Added in_slot condition, see here for more info:
- API: Added SlotType.isOrContains(SlotType) for compatibility with CombinedSlotType
- API: Added SlotItemProvidedHolder<T> which should be used instead of ItemProvidedHolder when fetching holders when possible
- Temporarily disabled holder refresh cooldown due to bugs
- Fixed memory leaks with add_holder, add_holder_in_radius, and add_holder_to_victim (Thanks Casper!)
- Massively improved general plugin performance with new holder refresh cooldown, set to 250ms by default but can be changed or disabled entirely (Thanks Casper!)
- API: Added Dispatcher<*>.forceRefreshHolders() if the cache must be bypassed. This should only be used in exceptional circumstances.
- Triggers that are disabled (i.e. not in use) will no longer have their listeners registered at all, improving performance and massively reducing memory use
- Trigger and TriggerData hashcodes are now lazy-evaluated instead of being evaluated on each call, improving performance (Thanks Casper!)
- Various improvements and fixes to several triggers, including fixing potential memory leaks (Thanks Casper!)
- Fixed dupe bug for some items with multiply_drops
- Fixed alt_click
- More optimisations to move and change_chunk
- More performance improvements
- Fixed item_points_above, item_points_below, item_points_equal (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed disabled triggers still running
- Fixed add_holder_in_radius
- Fixed memory leak with add_holder_to_victim
- Improved hashCode() performance under load for holders (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Added optional check for meta (defaults to true) for switching to an item updating the holders (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- AFK Players will no longer have their holders updated by default (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Fixed regen_multiplier (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Various small optimisations to effect triggering (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- spawn_particle now runs async (Thanks Kapitowa!)
- Significantly improved performance of ItemHolderFinder, this has been the main source of performance issues for users
- Fixed cancel_event not always working as expected
- Fixed condition-not-met lore not respecting some placeholders
- give_item effect now supports multiple items (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Improved send_message and shear_entity triggers (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed severe bugs with static trigger
- Fixed severe bugs with /libreforge trigger
- Fixed many bugs with various effects, triggers, conditions, etc caused by reload
- Fixed many more other bugs
- Categories will no longer clear on shutdown
- Fixed the plugin not loading for certain users since last version
- Fixed compatibility with Veinminer (Thanks Choco!)
- Optimised move and change_chunk triggers (Thanks Casper!)
- Added animation effect to play animations, more will be added in the near future
- API: Added Animation API
- Fixed give_permission causing errors with NPCs
- Added Model Engine integration: play_animation effect
- API: Added EntityProvidedHolder
- Added this_item filter
- Added support for TerraformGenerator custom biomes (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added /libreforge debug command
- Fixed broadcast effect
- API: Added TypedHolderProvider<T>, TypedProvidedHolder<T>, and further improved ItemHolderFinder
- API: Added Dispatcher#getHoldersOfType<T: Holder>(): Collection<T>
- Fixed potential memory leak with entities
- Fixed bug where some placeholders wouldn't work in some places in some effects
- API: TriggerData is no longer a data class
- Fixed custom biomes integration (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed location_to_drop mutator (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added keep_levels effect as xp counterpart to keep_inventory - use both if you want to have vanilla-style keep inventory
- Fixed transmission effect
- Fixed add_holder, add_holder_in_radius, add_holder_to_victim, and add_permanent_holder_in_radius not inheriting base holder placeholders
- Fixed several bugs with placeholders in effects / conditions / etc
- Fixed nested chains not working properly
- Fixed holder placeholders not working with permanent effects
- Several other bugfixes and stability improvements
- Added custom biomes integration with Terra (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added drop_item_slot effect (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Removed paper-plugin.yml
- Added missing add_global_points effect
- Added advancements filter
- Added has_completed_advancement condition
- Added open_crafting effect
- Added TAB integration: has_scoreboard_visible, has_boss_bar_visible
- Big improvements to are and aoe_blocks: they will now run from the supplied location, rather than from the player's location. You may need to update some effects to have a location_to_player mutator
- Fixed all_players, random_player, run_chain, and nested chains for non-player triggers
- Added victim_as_dispatcher mutator
- Fixed Block and Location dispatchers
- Added dispatcher_as_player and dispatcher_as_victim mutators
- Improved all existing triggers for Dispatcher system
- Fixed run_command effect
- Fixed click_block and click_entity triggers firing twice (Thanks PQGuanfang!)
- API: Added TriggerData#dispatcher - there is no corresponding TriggerParameter as trigger data will always contain a dispatcher
- Several other performance and stability improvements
- Added full effects system support! You can now have items that run effects when they're bought and require conditions to be met when buying/selling items
- (API) Added EcoShopBuyEvent
- Added libreforge integration: buy_item trigger, improved sell_item trigger, and shop_item filter. This means you can integrate your shops with all the libreforge plugins, including EcoSkills, EcoQuests, Actions, EcoJobs, and EcoPets
- Added use-local-storage option to disable cross-server sync if using MySQL in eco
Was downloading 1.3.0, but 1.3.0 contained bugs and was deleted. Spigot bugged
- Updated _example.yml (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added global bottom lore option (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added option to have multiple commands in shop items (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added global buy limits, essentially server-wide stock (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added category open permissions (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Added more placeholders (Thanks Exanthiax!)
- Removed ProtocolLib as a dependency
- Fixed placeholders not working in the lore of category items
- Shop items will no longer register permissions by default
- Fixed display gui items