EconomyPremium icon

EconomyPremium -----

Full economy plugin | Lootcrate | Shop| Chat Shop | Jobs | Boosters | Kits | Homes | Scoreboard |

The plugin is updated to Minecraft 1.21


- The /setworld command is removed from the plugin, it doesnt work verry well and i have readed a lot of problems in the recensies and my Email, so we removed the whole per world system. Im sorry if its works for someone verry well.

Bug Fix:
- We fixed the console errors about the EntityKillEvent
- Removed the "You have to use a pickaxe " error in chat , when mining blocks except ores
----------, Nov 14, 2024

Updated to 1.20.4
- The Economy++ plugin is updated to Minecraft 1.20.4, and is now usable on all the 1.20.4 servers.

New things:
- Added unemployed prefix to the new players.
----------, Feb 11, 2024

Fixed problems:
- A better update checker
- Fixed some messages
- A better check in wich world the player is

New Features:

- Open a GUI where you can see the kits and their prices (Prices are configurable in config.yml)

Command alliases:
Added a allias for the /ecokit command, /kit is also working right now.
Added a allias for the /ecokits command /kits is also working right now.
----------, Jan 3, 2024

Update Checker:

We rewrite the update checker, now its faster and never shows a error in the console!
----------, Jan 2, 2024

- When a player joins there is a $ before the amount of money.

- Admin's can now enable or disable the scoreboard in the Config.yml
true = enabled
false = disabled
----------, Jan 2, 2024


We added a scoreboard to the plugin wich displays your Balance, Savingsaccount Balance and your job.

Bug Fixes:
Error in the console about the data files.
----------, Dec 20, 2023


Savings Account System

Players can now earn interest over their money.
First, the player must be create a Savings Account, the player can earn money if their money is on their savingsaccount, a percentage of interest is payed over their savingsaccount balance every X hour.
The percentage is configurable in the Config.yml default is 3%
The time when players get paid is also configurable in the Config.yml default is every hour.

/savingsaccount create - Create a savings account.
/savingsaccount delete - Delete your savings account.
/savingsaccount open - Open your savings account GUI.
/savingsaccount withdraw <amount> - Withdraw money from your savings account.

Bug Fixes:

- You can't craft any item anymore with a lootcrate
----------, Dec 3, 2023


Home system
The amount of maximum homes is configurable in Config.yml
/sethome <home> - Set a home point to your current location.
/delhome <home> - Delete a home.
/home <home> - Teleport to one of your homes.
/homes - Get a list of your current homes
Permissions: Economy++.home

- Updated the plugin help message.
----------, Nov 23, 2023

Whats new:

A money request system, players can now ask for money to other players:

Command: /moneyrequest <player> <amount>
Permission: None

A new designed Adminpanel, the newest version of the adminpanel is out now,
it's better, more efficient, and easier to use. You can also run the adminpanel via the console

Command: /adminpanel

Permission: None (Its the server console)

Bug Fixes:

- Console errors while clicking a row in the adminpanel
The error in your console is removed and you can click now a row without a error.
----------, Nov 20, 2023

Bug Fixes:
- Updater bug fix - Now shows if there is a new version of this plugin.

----------, Oct 31, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48
First Release: Oct 30, 2023
Last Update: Nov 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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