EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support icon

EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support -----

The #1 most powerful custom enchantments plugin ever made.

9.0.0 Changelog
- Recoded the entire plugin from the ground up
- Reworked all included enchantments; EcoEnchants now ships with a completely new set of balanced, fun, and unique enchantments ready for you to use - and you can download more at if you want free community-made enchantments! The focus of this update is quality over quantity. There may be less enchantments included by default (although more available in total thanks to lrcdb), but they play much better than before.
- Enchantments are now all specified in their own .yml files and you can add and remove enchantments just by adding and removing configs! (Almost) all enchantments are now written using libreforge - read more about it here!
- You can now create your own enchantment types, and set custom limits for each one (rather than it just being 1 or unlimited)
- Added /ecoenchants gui; view all enchantments, or drop in an item to view the enchantments available on it
- Added custom item support to enchantment targets: you can make certain enchantments only applicable to a custom sword you may have (Supports EcoItems, ItemsAdder, Oraxen, and many more!)
- Huge performance improvements across the board
- Fixed
all known bugs
- Added the ability to specify placeholders in vanilla enchantment descriptions
- Added option to disable display altogether (for custom clients)
- Improved commands
- Added option to make enchantments conflict with all other enchantments
- Many other improvements; the list is so long that I can’t even remember everything

This is a huge update, the biggest the plugin has ever received. Every aspect of EcoEnchants has been improved in a major way, and I’m excited to see what you guys do with it!

Enchantments from 8.x.x with the same IDs as enchantments you make in 9.x.x will be preserved, don’t worry about enchantments disappearing - EcoEnchants uses real enchantments on items, there’s never going to be any unwanted surprises.
----------, Oct 17, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,420
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
303 ratings
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