EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support icon

EcoEnchants ⭕ 250+ Enchantments ✅ Create Custom Enchants ✨ Essentials/CMI Support -----

The #1 most powerful custom enchantments plugin ever made.

8.107.0 Changelog
- Cleaned up contexts for config violations; instead of having a million brackets (i.e. 'Error for effect <id>, (inline chain) (args) (Effect send_message) (args)), it will be separated by an arrow (->) to be easier to read.
- Added truly-inline chains; a shorthand syntax to run multiple effects on a trigger without ever needing to worry about the run_chain_inline effect, or even what a chain is. Instead of specifying an effect ID, you specify a list of effects to be ran on the trigger. All chain features are supported (it is an inline chain, it's just simpler). Read more about it here:
----------, Aug 17, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,420
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
303 ratings
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