Added Toxic - Chance to apply poison to your opponent
Added Water Affinity - Increases damage dealt when in water
Added Forcefield - Damages all nearby monsters
Added Sycophant - Heals a portion of damage blocked
Added Chopless - Reduces damage dealt by axes
Added Green Thumb - Left clicking dirt turns it to grass
Added Spiked - Hooking onto an entity will damage it
Added Harpoon - Hooking onto an entity will heavily damage it (SPECIAL)
Added Reel - Pulls entites towards you
Added Forcefield - Damages all nearby monsters
Added Shot Assist - Deal more damage with arrows while wearing
Added Frozen - Chance to give your attacker slowness
Added Disappear - Go invisible if damaged on low health
Added Curse of Harmlessness - Chance for attacks to do nothing
Added Fury - Chance of angering nearby monsters towards your opponent
Fixed Soulbound not working with keep inventory