EasyReload icon

EasyReload -----

Provides a quick way to build and deploy plugins on your bukkit/spigot plugin's testing/development


What is this plugin?
This plugin, simply put, automates the process of taking the built plugin and applying it to the plugin devlopment/testing server.
It is meant for bukkit/spigot plugin devlopers to automate the process of building and testing the binaries with ease.

1. Requires Gradle to be the build system of your project.
2. Requires that the plugin testing/devlopment server be on the same machine.
3. Any port being free in the range `12121 to 12125` and `12126 to 12130`.
4. The server start script, either batch `(.bat)` for windows or bash `.sh` for macOS/Linux should have the name `start.<extension>` otherwish the server might not restart as intended i.e. without any custom arguments provided to it.

Version Specific:
1. On version 1.0, the plugin depended on the `/reload` and `/restart` commands, and it only ran on Spigot. Make sure to setup `/restart` appropriately according to your enviroment.
2. From version 1.1, all functionalities do work on bukkit servers too.


1. Take the plugin JAR file and place it in your server's plugin directory.
2. Take the `easyreload.gradle` file (present in the `easyreload.gradle.zip` zip file.), and place it in your project's home directory. (i.e. where your build scripts lies)
3. In your project's `build.gradle` file, add the following line of code: `apply from: 'easyreload.gradle'`
4. Lastly, in your `gradle.properties` file, add the following two properties: `serverDir` and `shouldRestart`

1. The `serverDir` property should be set to where your server files are.
2. The `shouldRestart` property can only have the following values: `true` or `false`. And it determines whether it should completely restart the server or just "reload" the plugins. (Useful in some cases).
3. Changing the `shouldRestart` property to anything else than `true` or `false` will result in the post build steps failing.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32
First Release: Jan 5, 2025
Last Update: Jan 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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