A powerful yet simple GUI-based note taking system that allows players to store and manage their personal notes on your server.
Installation Plug and play - drop "easynotes.java" to your plugins folder - - restart your server - - done! -
Features Add notes with ease and access them via GUI
Easily print to chat and remove your notes with a simple click!
Scalable GUI (Rows automatically adjust based on limits) Default rank with ( 9 notes limit ) Member rank with ( 18 notes limit ) Filtering tool ( Newest / Oldest ) Pagination system (unlimited pages) Admin View (access to all players' notes) Commands: "/note add <note>" - To save a note "/notes" - Access your notes via GUI "/notes reload" - Reload plugin's config
Permissions (Luckperms) - easynotes.use - Allows use of basic note commands - easynotes.admin - Access to view all players' notes - easynotes.reload - Permission to reload the plugin - easynotes.remove - Ability to remove notes (default: true) - easynotes.limit.<group> - Note limit group permissions - easynotes.limit.unlimited - Unlimited notes permission
# Group Settings
# =============
# Permission format: easynotes.limit.<group>
# Note limits should be multiples of 9 to match inventory rows:
# You can set limits higher than 54 (6 rows).
# The GUI will automatically add pages as needed.
# Use -1 for unlimited notes
# Example: limit: -1
limit: 9 # 1 row
limit: 18 # 2 rows
limit: -1 # Unlimited notes
# Messages
note-added: "§aNote added successfully!"
note-removed: "§aNote removed successfully!"
limit-reached: "§cYou've reached your note limit! (%limit% notes)"
no-permission: "§cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
note-prefix: "§6[Note] §7"