Easy to use: All configurations are straightforward and easy to understand
Modern format: All messages are formatted using MiniMessage, making it easier and more versatile to create attractive announcements
Grouped Announcement: Announcements are configured in AnnounceGroups, allowing for easy control and customization of different intervals and sorting methods for each group
Permission based: Whether players receive announcements from an AnnounceGroup is controlled by permissions
Toggleable Announcements: Players with permission can use commands to toggle whether they want to receive messages from each AnnounceGroup
Announcement preview: You can preview each announcement with a single command to ensure it is formatted correctly
PlaceholderAPI Support: All messages are parsed using PlaceholderAPI
Plugin Introduction
AnnounceGroup message receiving toggle:
Preview Announcement command:
Easy to configure:
Code (YAML):
# All configured Announcements # You can add a Announcement name here, and the file would appear in "Announces" after "/ea reload" Announces: - example
- example2
AnnounceGroups: # This is an example announce group # You can add your announce group here # Players need "easyannouncer.announcegroup.%AnnounceGroupName%" permission to receive messages from the group exampleGroup: # This means files in the "Announces" folder without ".yml" Announces: - example
- example2
# The Interval(in ticks) between all announcements in this group Interval: 200
# Whether the announcements in this group should be sorted randomly RandomSort: true
Code (YAML):
Message: - ' <st><gradient:
#828fff:#ff70fd> </gradient></st>' - ' <gradient:
#ff737a:#ffce63>Announce Example</gradient>' - ' <color:
#adb6ff>This is an example of announcement</color>' - ' <color:
#adb6ff>This is an example of announcement</color>' - ' <color:
#adb6ff>This is an example of announcement</color>' - ' <st><gradient:
#ff70fd:#828fff> </gradient></st>'
Random sort:
Commands & Permissions & Placeholders
Commands: All Commands can be tab completed /ea reload
permission: easyannouncer.command.reload
reloads everything
/ea about
permission: easyannouncer.command.about
view some information about this plugin
/ea preview {AnnounceName}
permission: easyannouncer.command.preview
preview an Announcement that in the config section "Announces"