DynamicPremium - Premium Command - Semi Premium Mode icon

DynamicPremium - Premium Command - Semi Premium Mode -----

A simple plugin for premium authentication

After trying many authentication plugins and not being satisfied with any of them, I decided to create one on my own.

If you want to donate, contact me on Discord! :D

• Fully configurable.
• Best performance.
• Free support. (obviously)
Velocity proxy support.

• A BungeeCord or Velocity (I recommend you to use InsaneProxy that has netty exploits fixes)
• AuthMe or another auth plugin.

• /premium - No permission.
• /premiumadmin - dynamicpremium.toggle

1. Stop your server.
2. Download and drag the plugin .jar file into your plugins folder.
3. Start your server to generate config files.
4. Tweak the configurations as you like.
5. Configure database. (Flatfile as default)

1. 100 downloads - Done
2. 200 downloads - Done
3. 500 downloads - Done
4. 1.000 downloads - Done
5. 2.000 downloads - Done
6. 5.000 downloads - How??? Thanks a lot! :D
7. 10.000 downloads - Not yet :(
8. 20.000 downloads - Not yet :(
9. 50.000 downloads - Not yet :(
10. 100.000 downloads - Not yet :(

Server using the plugin:
MineLatino - play.minelatino.com (Spanish server)
NauticMC - mc.nauticmc.net (Spanish server)
NekoCraft - mc.nekocraft.us (Spanish server)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,615
First Release: Jan 22, 2020
Last Update: May 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
36 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings