Commands /durabilityalert (/da) - the base command
/durabilityalert toggle - toggles the alert per player (set by user)
/durabilityalert armour <number> - sets the percent at which the armour durability warning will start to show (set by user)
/durabilityalert tools <number> - sets the percent at which the tools durability warning will show (set by user)
/durabilityalert type [percent/durability] - sets the warning values to depend on either percent left, or durability left (set by user)
/durabilityalert enchant - Toggle whether or not alerts hould only be shown for enchanted items
/durabilityalert status - Shows the current settings for the user
/durabilityalert sound - Toggles warning sounds on/off
Permissions shantek.durabilityalert.use - Allows players to use the plugin
shantek.durabilityalert.reload - Allows the player to reload the plugin config