Added: *Checkpoints and lives! Now you can set a player to have more than 1 live, when the player dies and still has lives left, he will be teleported to the last checkpoint he got, and will be able to continue the dungeon
Added: *"EnterArea" objective for dungeons, this objective will be completed when the player.. enters a region. Sorry for the inactivity but i have been busy with school and now i'm busy with work, but i'll try to make at least 1 update per week from now on.
Fixed: *If you tried to create a BossMania or MythicMob dungeon mob while adding a killMobObjective to a dungeon, it would result in an error (yeah fixing the bug has been easier than triggering it lol)
Fixed: *For some reason, if you set in a stage 2 objectives of the same type, they would've had also the same options not allowing you to change them without changing the other one. Fixed: *Some translation errors WARNING: THIS UPDATE CHANGED THE WAY OBJECTIVES ARE STORED, IT WILL REQUIRE THEM TO BE RE-DONE BEFORE UPDATING. YOU CAN DM ME ON DISCORD (figliodeimieigenitori#5295) AND I WILL CORRECT THEM FOR YOU. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENT. THIS WON'T HAPPEND AGAIN.