Duels | Player vs Player with restrictions [1.20] | Perfect for PvP servers! icon

Duels | Player vs Player with restrictions [1.20] | Perfect for PvP servers! -----

Duels plugin with arenas and variety of customizable restrictions.

How to setup plugin:
Follow this steps to set up the plugin.

1. Set the spawn location with /dueladmin setspawn command. This location will be later used to teleported players from duels to spawn.

2. [Setting up the arenas]
1) First, you need to create the new arena. /dueladmin createarena arenaName
2) To set location of this arena just go to the pos1 (the location where player1 will get teleported), and type /dueladmin setarenapos arenaName pos1. Then go to the pos2 (the location where player2 will get teleported) and execute /dueladmin setarenapos arenaName pos2. You can create as many arenas as you want.
If you want to delete the arena execute /dueladmin deletearena arenaName

MiniMessage Support:
You can use MiniMessage format messages in the language config. You just need to add $ symbol in the beginning of every message.

List of Commands:
- /duel <player> - Invite player to the duel (no perm required)
- /duels cancel <player> - Cancel your duel request (no perm required)
- /duels accept <player> - Accept duel request (no perm required)
- /duels deny <player> - Deny duel of someone (no perm required)
- /duels ignore <player> - Start or stop ignoring someone's requests (no perm required)
- /duels spectate <player> - Start spectating someone (no perm required)
- /duels stopspectate <player> - Stop spectating someone (no perm required)
/duels queue - Add yourself into the duel queue (no perm required)
Admin commands:
- /dueladmin - Displays help message. (no perm required)
- /dueladmin setspawn - Set the spawn location where players will be TPed after match. (duels.admin.setspawn)
- /dueladmin createarena <arenaName> - Create arena with specific name. (duels.admin.createarena)
- /dueladmin setarenapos <arenaName> pos<1/2> - Set the arena's corner points. (duels.admin.setpos)
- /dueladmin deletearena - Delete arena with the specific name. (duels.admin.deletearena)
- /dueladmin reload - Reload the configuration. (duels.admin.reload)

List of Placeholders:
- Time left %duel_time_left% you can change how this is displayed in config
- Opponent name %duel_opponent%
- Opponent ping %duel_opponent_ping%

Contact us on discord to add more.

Discord: https://discord.gg/2zZChX9AEN
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,546
First Release: Jan 25, 2024
Last Update: Feb 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
19 ratings
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