+ LEFT click on entity selector open a gui to select a specific entity
+ LEFT click on copy-range open a gui to select/deselect entities
+ /de select [uuid], allow to specify the uuid of desired entity, uuid of nearest entities are suggested by tab completer, not specify an uuid gets the closest entity
+ /de setitem [type], with no type specified opens a gui to select the item from your inventory
+ You can now copy and paste entities (even groups of them) for 1.20.2+
+ added /de setblock to set BlockDisplay's block
+ added /de setitem to set ItemDisplay's item
+ Added action bar reminder while on editor mode (togglable on config)
+ Added feedback sound for selection, delsection, entering and exiting editor mode
+ Added particles on Display location to make Scale and Rotation operations more predictable
+ Most of values are now configurable inside config.yml
+ config.yml and commands.yml now should generate correctly
+ Exiting from editormode now restore armor as before entering editor mode