Discordo icon

Discordo -----

Let users communicate to each other through both Discord and Minecraft using image manipulation

[+] Added option 'minecraft.images.enabled' to toggle between sending images and plain text to the Discord channel. At the moment, customising the plain text message is not possible. I plan to implement this with the rewrite of this plugin.
----------, May 28, 2024

[+] Added the option to set your own color for "invisible" discord roles.
[+] Added the option to use your server's join and leave messages instead of the ones from the 'language.yml' file.
[+] Added the option to enable death messages.

[-] Fixed the %role_color% placeholder not ignoring "invisible" roles. Now it will return the color which is displayed when a user speaks in chat.
[-] Fixed the discord section of the config not reloading upon running the '/dco reload' command.
[-] Fixed paragraph symbols (ยง) not being recognised as color code identifiers.
[-] Fixed '&r' sometimes pointing to a hex color. It will now always point to '&f'.
[-] Fixed the order in which events are handled. Discordo will now wait for all other plugins to handle their events before firing its own. This will allow other plugins to change the chat format, join/leave messages and death messages before Discordo uses them.
----------, May 14, 2023

[+] Added the command '/dco broadcast' and '/dco bc' to send a broadcast message to the Discord server from Minecraft.
[+] Added the option to use a different font that supports more alphabets than just Latin, such as Arabic, Cyrillic, Kana and more. This font is not identical to the original Minecraft font, but looks very similar. More information about this setting can be found in the config.yml file above 'minecraft.images.use-font-pack'.
----------, May 6, 2023

[-] Removed api version from the plugin.yml. The plugin will now attempt to load on any server regardless which api version that server has.
----------, May 3, 2023

[-] Fix for bot token not loading from the configuration file.
----------, Apr 11, 2023

[+] Added api for developers to send their own messages as an image to Discord. See: https://github.com/Bloedarend/Discordo#api
----------, Apr 5, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 503
First Release: Mar 25, 2023
Last Update: May 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings