This version is highly experimental, please report any bugs you encounter! For a more stable version download the BungeeCord 13.0 version. This version is the first version being released with the new message features.
This version is highly experimental, please report any bugs you encounter! For a more stable version download the Spigot 13.0 version. This version is the first version being released with the new message features.
This is the first Spigot release that is based on the new Statusbot framework.
This means this version will be more configurable and it will have some bugs fixed.
Use the command: /statusbot help to receive a book in which all the commands are explained.
And you need to be operator to use all the commands except: /statusbot help
Noplayersmessage and startingmessage are added in the config.yml file of the plugin.
Which makes it possible to make your statusbot in another language.
Documentation will be added soon.
The Discord bot now also shows the usernames of the players that are online.
You can now use showamountofplayers and showplayernames in the config.yml file, to make the bot show only the amount of players or only the playernames, etc.
In this update, you can see how many players are online in the server, by simply taking a look at the status of the discord bot!
You can see it on this picture