DiscordNotifier Plugin
DiscordNotifier is a lightweight Minecraft Spigot plugin that uses Discord Webhooks to send real-time notifications for various in-game events. It provides customizable settings to manage notifications easily, ensuring seamless integration between your server and Discord.
Setting Up a Discord Webhook
- Open your server settings in Discord and go to Integrations > Webhooks.
- Click Create Webhook and configure its name, avatar (optional), and target channel.
- Copy the Webhook URL and save your changes.
- Use the URL in the plugin to send messages to the chosen channel.
Supported Notifiers
- PLAYER_JOIN: Notifies when a player joins the server
- PLAYER_QUIT: Notifies when a player leaves the server.
- PLAYER_WHISPER: Captures and sends whispers between players.
- PLAYER_CHAT: Relays player chat messages.
- CHAT_FILTER: Filters chat messages based on specific criteria.
- PLAYER_DEATH: Sends notifications when a player dies.
Commands and Permissions
Command: `/discordnotifier`
Permission: `discordnotifier.admin`
`/discordnotifier reload`
- Reloads the plugin configuration.
- Usage: `/discordnotifier reload`
`/discordnotifier enable <type>`
- Enables a specific notifier.
- Example:`/discordnotifier enable PLAYER_JOIN`
`/discordnotifier disable <type>`
- Disables a specific notifier.
- Example: `/discordnotifier disable PLAYER_CHAT`
`/discordnotifier list`
- Lists all notifiers with their current status (enabled/disabled) and webhook configuration.
- Usage: `/discordnotifier list`
`/discordnotifier set <type> <setting> <value>`
- Updates notifier settings.
Available Settings:
- `webhook`: Set a custom Discord Webhook URL.
- `color`: Set the embed color for notifications (e.g., `#FF5733`).
- Example: `/discordnotifier set PLAYER_DEATH webhook https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...`
`/discordnotifier info <type>`
- Displays detailed information about a notifier's configuration.
- Example: `/discordnotifier info PLAYER_CHAT`
Webhook Customization:
Set unique webhook URLs for each notifier or use a default webhook.
Embed Color Configuration:
Customize the embed colors for notifications to match your server's branding.
Real-Time Notifications:
Stay updated with instant notifications on Discord for important server events.
Note: Ensure the required permissions (`discordnotifier.admin`) are assigned to the users managing the plugin.