Disable Effects icon

Disable Effects -----

Disables potions, tipped arrows, and effect commands; highly customizable and lightweight.

Configuration Documentation

This document outlines the settings and configurations available for customizing the plugin. For further assistance, you can join the Discord server: Join Discord.

1. Commands
/de reload
- Reloading the plugin

/de add <potion effect> <value>

- Use this to add missing potion effects easily.

/de switch <potion effect> <value name> <value>
- Modify existing potion values effortlessly.

Command Details:
- Potion Effect: The name of the effect (e.g., "SPEED").
- Value Name: The property you want to change (e.g., "splash").
- Value: Set it to "true" or "false" to enable or disable the property.

2. Error Messages

This section allows you to customize the error messages that players will see when certain actions are restricted.

  • messages.consume: §4[ERROR] §cYou can't consume that!
  • messages.shoot: §4[ERROR] §cYou are not allowed to shoot that!
  • messages.splash: §4[ERROR] §cYou are not allowed to throw that!
  • messages.splash_player: §4[ERROR] §cYou are not allowed to throw that on players!

3. General Settings

General settings include options that affect the overall behavior of the plugin.
  • return_potion_on_error: (Default: true)
    Whether to return the potion to the player if an error occurs.

Permissions Format
Permissions to bypass restrictions should follow this format:
Code (Text):
For example, to bypass speed restrictions:
Code (Text):
4. Effect Settings

Each effect can be customized to control how it behaves in the game. The following methods can be enabled or disabled:

  • splash: Allow or deny using splash potions.
  • arrow: Allow or deny shooting tipped arrows.
  • dispenser: Allow or deny using dispensers for potions or arrows.
  • drink: Allow or deny drinking potions.
  • brew: Allow or deny brewing potions.

Optional settings:
  • apply_cmd: Allow or deny effects from commands.
  • apply_all: Allow or deny effects from any source.
  • apply_plugin: Allow or deny effects from plugins.
  • on_entity: Allow or deny effects on entities (not players) with splash potions.

The default for these optional settings is false if not specified.

If you need any help or want to report a bug, join my Discord Server!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 174
First Release: Aug 19, 2024
Last Update: Nov 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
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