DinoVoteRewards [1.8.x-1.20.x] icon

DinoVoteRewards [1.8.x-1.20.x] -----

Vote rewards plugin, send commands when someone votes.

Fixes different VoteParty votes required issues for multiple-servers setup (i.e. 100 voteparty on survival, 50 on factions)
----------, Jun 8, 2024

After a long time of testing this plugin on a server, I have decided to release a new update.
- VoteParty added (you can set the commands you want and the number of votes to trigger it, also I have created some new placeholders using PlaceHolderAPI:
%dinovoterewards_vp_votes% - for the current number of votes, it resets when it reaches the threshold for voteparty
%dinovoterewards_vp_votes_required% - it reprezents the current vote threshold to trigger the voteparty
- Fixed a bug where user could vote with slightly modified names on voting sites (like dino141 instead of dino14) to receive more rewards on the same account - this was an issue only if the players were deliberately using VPNs to vote multiple times on those websites.
----------, Jun 29, 2022

I've added the %player% placeholder for the vote command also, so now you can have links containing the player's name if you want to have the player's name autocompleted on minecraft-mp or other sites for example.
----------, Sep 9, 2020

I've fixed a bug when the messages from /vote and /votes threw a nullpointerexception in the console (that bug ocured only if you had %votes% in the config.yml and only for new players). This only ocured if you had the plugin version 0.3 or 0.4.
----------, Jul 17, 2020

I've fixed an issue with the placeholder %votes% (config placeholder, not that papi placeholder) which gave nullpointerexception when a new player typed /vote or /votes (only if you hade %votes% in your config.yml).
----------, Jul 17, 2020

I've added remind messages for voting, you can enable them from the new config:
Code (Text):
  #If this is set to true players will receive remind messages to vote
  RemindMessage: false
  #Time in seconds between reminds (reminds are sent only if the player didn't vote in the last 24 hours)
  RemindTime: 300
Also I've added a messages and a commands section for all the cumulative rewards. You can now send custom messages to your players when they vote for x times (e.g. if you have 5 set into your config, they will get the rewards and the messages at 5, 10, 15, 20, etc)
----------, Jul 17, 2020

- Added support for storing data in a mysql database, you can add the details for the mysql database in the config.yml
Also now you can configure a message to send to the player when he votes (beside of the already broadcasted message) for example to thank him for the vote.

- Added global-commands for bungeecord servers. If you have this plugin on multiple spigot server under the same bungeecord, you may want to give your player a global curency when he votes (like tokens or credits), you can do this with global-commands. They will be executed only once, only on the server where the player is online.

- Added %votes% placeholder and /votes command. You can use ./votes to see how many votes you have and also /votes <player> to see how many votes a player has.
----------, Jul 15, 2020

Cumulative votes
Now you have the posibility to set cumulative rewards when a player gets an x number of votes (e.g. if you set 5 votes, he will get rewards at 5, 10, 15, 20, etc votes).
Example config for this:
Code (Text):
    - 'give %player% gold_ingot 1'
    - 'give %player% emerald 1'
What this does is when a player has 5 votes, he will receive an gold ingot, when he has 10 votes, he will receive and emerald but also a gold ingot.

Permission votes:
If you want to give your donors or staff members some custom rewards different from the default ones, now you can do this like this:
Code (Text):
  'vip': #players with permission dinovote.vip will get this rewards
    - 'give %player% redstone 5'
  'mvp': #players with permission dinovote.mvp will get this rewards
    - 'give %player% log 10'

Placeholder with placeholder api:

If you have a scoreboard plugin like featherboard or a chat plugin or anything like that, you can use this placeholder bellow to show the number of votes a player has:
%dinovoterewards_votes% is the placeholder to show the votes

I will add a placeholder for the config file and a command to show the number of votes soon.
----------, Jul 7, 2020

I've fixed the error: org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Unsupported API version 1.15.2 which prevent the plugin from loading (incorrect api-version in plugin.yml).
----------, Jun 24, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,846
First Release: Jun 22, 2020
Last Update: Jun 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings