DI LitebansLogs
This plugin is used to store your server's moderation actions from
LiteBans plugin (kick, ban, mute, warn) in a Discord channel. This plugin is a Discord Integration Project module (
How messages are configured
This plugin gives you the freedom to save the logs as the owner wants, so you must take the following into account:
A message consists of different parts: Title, description, color ... So here I leave the available settings (i'll put kick message example).
Code (Text):
Title: embed_kick_title: 'content'.
Description: embed_kick_description: 'content'.
Color: embed_kick_color: '#hexadecimal_color'.
Timestamp: embed_kick_timestamp: true/false.
A cell must contain yes or yes the following three fields:
Code (Text):
embed_kick_field_1_title: 'TITLE'
embed_kick_field_1_desc: 'DESC'
embed_kick_field_1_inline: true/false
To add more cells, you just have to change the number to another. It must go from 1 to a maximum of 9.
You can decide which one you want to put, the only mandatory cell is the color one.
- Add the core plugin DICore and read how to install it (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discord-integration-project.86876/) and LiteBans plugin.
- Complete the configuration file located in the DICore/DILitebansLogs folder.